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163 lines (123 loc) · 6.08 KB

File metadata and controls

163 lines (123 loc) · 6.08 KB


A binary frequency dictionary format

The goal of this format is to optimize for both on-disk size, as well as loading speed.

The bulk of the size reduction comes from GZIPing it, but there is one additional trick which serves both purposes: Variable Length longs.

Getting started

.fdic files can be generated using the fdic cli program. And can be loaded using the FrequencyDictionaryIO class in this project, or if using SymSpellKt, via conscience functions in SymSpellFdic.

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The use FrequencyDictionaryIO to read and write .fdic files:

// Read
val dictionary = FrequencyDictionaryIO.readFdic("en-80k.fdic")
val dictionary = FrequencyDictionaryIO.readFdic(en80kByteArray)

// Write
val dictionary: FrequencyDictionary
FrequencyDictionaryIO.writeFdic(dictionary, "en-80k.fdic")


Performance varies greatly depending on the combination of machine and dictionary being decoded. But fdic is always superior in both size and speed to both a plain text dictionary, and a GZIPed text dictionary.

Some Machine/Dictionary combinations show more modest speed improvements, but considering simply GZIPing would have increased decoding time over a plain text file, fdic shows a clear advantage in that it runs faster than a GZIPed dictionary, and is much smaller than a plain text dictionary. So it's a win/win.

Binary Frequency Dictionary Compression

 txt took 77ms to load
  gz took 83ms to load
fdic took 20ms to load

fdic was 57ms (74.03%) faster!

 txt size: 1330 KB
  gz size: 592 KB
fdic size: 580 KB

fdic was 43.65% of the original size

File Layout

Field Size Description
Magic Number 4 bytes Fixed value 0x0F0D010C
Version 1 byte File format version
--- GZip Compressed Section Begins ---
ngram vlong 1-10 bytes Value of 1 (unigrams) or 2 (bigrams)
termCount vlong 1-10 bytes Number of dictionary entries that follow
locale nstring len+1 bytes Language locale of the dictionary
--- Dictionary Entries Begin ---
-- Dictionary Entry -- (Repeated n times)
frequency vlong 1-10 bytes Term Frequency (vlong)
term nstring len+1 bytes The dictionary term
flowchart TD
    subgraph header[Uncompressed Header]
        magic["4 bytes: Magic Number (0x0F0D010C)"]
        version["1 byte: Version"]
        magic --> version
    subgraph compressed[GZip Compressed Section]
        meta_ngram["vlong: ngram (1=unigrams, 2=bigrams)"]
        meta_count["vlong: termCount"]
        meta_locale["nstring: locale"]
        subgraph entries[Dictionary Entries Section]
            direction TB
            entry1["Entry 1:<br />vlong,  nstring<br />(frequency, term)"]
            entry2["Entry 2:<br />vlong,  nstring<br />(frequency, term)"]
            entryN["Entry N:<br />vlong,  nstring<br />(frequency, term)"]
            entry1 --> entry2 --> entry3 --> entryN
        meta_ngram --> meta_count --> meta_locale --> entries
    header --> compressed

    style header fill:#151c3d
    style compressed fill:#0e2b1e
    style entries fill:#303030

Variable Length Longs


In order to improve parsing performance, I wanted to store the Frequency numbers as a binary Integer, so parsing it was as simple as reading the bytes and assigning to an Int.

But this actually increased overall file size!

It turns out the first couple of terms really do need to be represented by more than 4 bytes, such as "the" in English: the 26548583149

By just the 7th term, we're already under the threshold for an unsigned int: is 4192081707

It took 11 characters to represent the frequency for the, so 8 bytes for a Long was still a savings, but by the time we get to is it only takes 10 characters, still a savings, but reduced. Meanwhile we only actually need 4 bytes of Integer precision to represent the frequency for is.

Pretty quickly the terms require fewer than 8 characters to represent their frequency, so representing it as a binary number, even a 4 byte Int, begins to increase the overall size of each entry.

To solve this I came up with Variable Length Longs which only take as many bytes as necessary, the smallest numbers requiring just 1 byte when encoded.

This results in an average savings of 3-4 bytes per entry.


This is achieved by using the Most Significant Bit (MSB) as a Continuation Flag when parsing. This means that each encoded byte only represents 7 bits of data, meaning in worst case scenarios we could use up to 10 bytes to represent an 8 byte Long. In this use case it never occurs, as term frequencies are never that large.

When we begin reading a vlong field, we mask out the continuation bit, take the 7 data bits, shift them depending on how many bytes we've read so far for this vlong, and add that to an accumulator Long.

flowchart TD
    subgraph title[Decoding a VLong]
        note["Each byte:<br>┌ MSB = Continuation bit (1=more bytes, 0=last byte)<br>└ Lower 7 bits = Data"]
        subgraph example["Example: Large Number Encoding"]
            direction TB
            byte1["Byte 1:<br>1|0000010<br>↓   └─7 bits data (2)─┘<br>Continue"]
            acc1["Accumulator: 2<br>Bits: 0000000 0000010"]
            byte2["Byte 2:<br>1|0000001<br>↓   └─7 bits data (1)─┘<br>Continue"]
            acc2["Accumulator: (2 << 7) | 1 = 257<br>Bits: 0000001 0000010"]
            byte3["Byte 3:<br>0|0000011<br>↓   └─7 bits data (3)─┘<br>Stop"]
            acc3["Final Accumulator: (257 << 7) | 3 = 32,899<br>Bits: 0000011 0000001 0000010"]
            byte1 --> acc1 --> byte2 --> acc2 --> byte3 --> acc3

    style title fill:#333333
    style example fill:#0d2236