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How to use QuickMCL

You need ROS, how to set up that is outside the scope of this documentation, see the ROS wiki for general ROS documentation.

This software expects to have the following topics with relevant information (these can all be remapped via the launch file in the standard ROS manner of course):

  • One of (depending on the internal_laser_processing option):
    • /cloud (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2): Laser point cloud in the base_link TF frame. It is recommended to use the laser_filters package to convert a laser scan to a point cloud. An example launch file for this is available. (internal_laser_processing = false)
    • /scan (sensor_msgs/LaserScan): Laser scan in a TF frame convertable to the base_link frame. (internal_laser_processing = true)
  • /map (nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid): Map to localise in. Consider using map_server for this.
  • TF transforms (can be remapped via parameters, see below):
    • odom -> base_link: This is the source of the odometry used.

The software will estimate the true location of base_link in the map and based on that publish a transform map -> odom.

In addition to the above inputs that are required for functionality, there are optional (and situational) inputs:

  • /initialpose (geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped) is a topic used to provide the software with a new estimated pose.
  • /global_localization (std_srvs/Empty) is a service used to initiate global localisation.

The software will publish:

  • /particles (visualization_msgs/MarkerArray): Cloud of particles with the colour representing the weight of the particles. Useful for visualising and debugging. Can be turned off via a parameter (see below).
  • /likelihood_map (nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid): Modified internal map used for localisation. Useful for debugging. Intensity represents probability. distribution around obstacles based on distance from obstacles in /map.
  • /quickmcl_pose (geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped) is the topic used to publish the best guess pose as well as covariance for the entire filter.
  • A TF transform from map -> odom.


ROS communication

These parameters are for changing names when communicating with the rest of ROS:

  • ~fixed_frame (string, default: map): TF frame to work in, map expected to be in this frame.
  • ~localised_frame (string, default: base_link): TF frame to localise.
  • ~odom_frame (string, default: odom): TF frame to publish transform for (from fixed frame).

Other ROS communication parameters:

  • ~save_pose_period (double, default: 0.0): How often (in seconds) to save the pose to the parameter server. This will be reloaded on startup. Set to 0 to disable saving. Note that this has quite a large performance impact. Does not support dynamic reconfiguration.
  • ~post_date_transform (double, default: 0.1): How much to post-date transform, should be similar to delta between scans. Helps rviz get less glitchy and in general indicates that this estimate is valid a bit into the future.
  • ~publish_particles (bool, default: false): If true, publish markers as a particle cloud to the topic /particles
  • ~internal_laser_processing (bool, default: false): If true, process laser directly from a scan internally instead of relying on external conversion to a point cloud. Does not support dynamic reconfiguration.

Initial pose

This exists to allow restoring the pose after restarting QuickMCL. Thus this value is only read on startup and does not support dynamic reconfiguration. The value is only written to if ~save_pose_period is greater than 0.

  • ~initial_pose (double[], default: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5², 0.5², 0.1²]): Initial pose array, (x, y, θ, x², y², θ²).

Motion model

Expected noise in odometry:

  • ~motion_model_alpha_1 (double, default: 0.05): Rotation noise from rotation
  • ~motion_model_alpha_2 (double, default: 0.1): Rotation noise from translation
  • ~motion_model_alpha_3 (double, default: 0.02): Translation noise from translation
  • ~motion_model_alpha_4 (double, default: 0.05): Translation noise from rotation

Other motion model parameters:

  • ~motion_model_min_trans (double, default: 0.2): Minimum translation for filter to update [m]
  • ~motion_model_min_rot (double, default: pi/6): Minimum rotation for filter to update [rad]

Sensor model

These z-values should add up to 1, being "mixing factors":

  • ~likelihood_z_hit (double, default: 0.9): Probability weight to assign to "hit when there is actually something there in the map".
  • ~likelihood_z_rand (double, default: 0.1): Probability weight to assign to "random hit even when there is nothing there in the map".

Parameters used to generate the internal likelihood map:

  • ~likelihood_sigma_hit (double, default: 0.1): Sigma of hit distribution [m]. Does not support dynamic reconfiguration.
  • ~likelihood_max_obstacle_distance (double, default: 2.0): Maximum distance to compute obstacle distances for (for likelihood map) [m]. Does not support dynamic reconfiguration.

Other sensor model parameters:

  • ~likelihood_max_laser_distance (double, default: 14.0): Maximum laser distance [m]. Used to divide likelihood_z_rand to create proper probability distribution.
  • ~likelihood_num_beams (int, default: 30): Number of laser beams to use from the scan. This sub-sampling will be done via selecting evenly spaced beams. Set to 0 to use all (not recommended).

Particle filter

General parameters:

  • ~particle_filter_particle_count_min (int, default: 100): Number of particles (min)
  • ~particle_filter_particle_count_max (int, default: 5000): Number of particles (max)
  • ~particle_filter_resample_count (int, default: 2): How often (in filter updates) to resample.
  • ~particle_filter_resample_type (string, default: kld): Resample type: low_variance, adaptive, kld are valid choices. Note: When using low_variance, only the min number of particles are used, and particle_filter_alpha_fast/particle_filter_alpha_slow are not used.

Parameters for adaptive sampling and KLD:

  • ~particle_filter_alpha_fast (double, default: 0.1): Low pass constant for adaptive/kld.
  • ~particle_filter_alpha_slow (double, default: 0.001): Low pass constant for adaptive/kld.

Note: Set both fast and slow to 0 to disable adaptive sampling.

Parameters for KLD:

  • ~particle_filter_kld_epsilon (double, default: 0.05): KLD epsilon parameter
  • ~particle_filter_kld_z (double, default: 0.95): KLD z_(1-𝛿) parameter

Parameters for KLD and clustering:

  • ~space_partitioning_resolution_xy (double, default: 0.5): KLD bucket resolution x and y [m]
  • ~space_partitioning_resolution_theta (double, default: 10*pi/180): KLD bucket resolution rotation [rad]