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Secured Web Addressability Network (SWAN) – APIs

Draft: Work in Progress

Who should read this document?

  • Developers seeking to create User Interfaces for SWAN data (CMPs), or retrieve the information for use in advertising.

  • Developers porting SWAN to server-side programming languages other than Go.

  • Developers creating SWAN compatible APIs in other projects.


This document describes the SWAN Operator end points used by User Interface Providers (UIPs) and consumers of the SWAN data.

The document assumes the reader is familiar with the SWAN concepts.

The term User Interface Provider (UIP) is used to signify a caller with the purpose of retrieving raw SWAN data to provide a User Interface. In practice this will typically be a CMP but could be any party with the requisite access to the SWAN Network.


The following actions are described in this document.

  • Fetch - retrieving data from SWAN

  • Update - updating SWAN data

  • Decrypt - transforming encrypted data for use in advertising

  • Decrypt-Raw - transforming encrypted data use in user interfaces

  • Home-Node - the home node for the web browser

  • Stop - stopping adverts based on domain name

  • CreateSWID - generating new SWIDs

Server Side

The APIs are designed to comply with REpresentational State Transfer (REST) principles and are accessible via the HTTPS protocol. They are designed to be called from a server environment because they include a mandatory access key for access control which must never be distributed to web browsers.

To make consumption of the APIs easier for server side programmers separate wrappers are available in some languages. They are contained in companion repositories named swan-x where x is the popular name of the associated programming language. For example; the Go Lang server side wrapper would be named swan-go.

As SWAN is more widely deployed it is expected engineers will port the Go reference wrapper to other languages.

Access Control

All the SWAN endpoints require the mandatory parameter accessKey unless specified otherwise. This is a unique string provided by the SWAN Operator to the caller. The accessKey must never be shared with any other party. For this reason, these APIs should only ever be used from server-side web requests.

SWAN’s access control mechanism should block requests that contain HTTP headers commonly associated with web browsers but that would not present from a server-to-server request in order to prevent accidental leakage of the accessKey.

In any case the sharing of a SWAN accessKey outside the entity that is entitled to use it would be considered a violation of the SWAN agreement and likely result in the entity being banned from participation in SWAN.

Open Web IDs (OWIDs)

Almost all the data held in SWAN is encoded as Open Web IDs (OWIDs). This ensures the source of the data is verifiable to recipients of the data and that the data has a verifiable timestamp associated with its capture which can be used to resolve conflicts when duplicate values are encountered. OWIDs also form the core of the SWAN audit process. To find out more about OWIDs see the OWID project.


Seven fields form the SWAN data model.

Name Format Description
Email String The original email address the user entered. Only available for the decrypt-raw end point for the purposes of providing a User Interface by the User Interface Provider. Can not be made available any other party or used for any other purpose.
Pref OWID The preferences chosen by the user. If missing or empty the rest of the data can not be used until a specific value has been set by the user.
SID OWID The Signed in Identifier generated from the Email using a hash algorithm by the SWAN Operator.
Stop String A carriage and line feed separated list of advert identifiers that should not be used in response for advertising.
SWID OWID The globally unique identifier for the web browser generated by the SWAN Operator.
Val String (Date) A date RFC3339 form date and time string returned from some operations to indicate when the date returned should be revalidated with SWAN.
tcString OWID The Transparency and Control Framework string as defined by IAB Europe and IAB Tech Lab encoded as an OWID.


End points

All end points are prefixed with the /swan/api/v1/ path prefix. The path segment that follows describes the action that the end point will perform. For example; to create a URL that will direct the web browser to fetch SWAN data the fetch action is used resulting in the path /swan/api/v1/fetch.

All end points support both HTTPS GET and POST methods for the provision of parameters. Example URLs in this document are shown with the GET method.


The SWAN Operator is free to define default values for optional parameters. Each SWAN Operator will be responsible for communicating these defaults and they are not covered in this document.


Some operations result in data that must be used with in a limited period of time. An action like fetch or update that result in a URL require the browser to be navigated to that URL within a few seconds of it being returned.

Actions that take encrypted data like decrypt or decrypt-raw will require the encrypted data to have been generated just before the request is performed.

These limits prevent data from being played back sometime after the event. For example; log files that contain full URL paths will no longer contain useful data because the URL will no longer result in useful information.

HTTP 400 error codes indicating bad request are returned when data has timed out and can no longer be used. The body of the response will contain any additional information.

Web browser detection

If fields that are commonly sent from web browsers but can be removed by server-side clients, or are commonly not sent from server side clients, are present in the request then the APIs will respond with an error indicating that the request is likely to be coming from a web browser and as such is rejected. This technique reduces the probability of a developer exposing a valid access key publicly.

As such it is not possible to experiment with SWAN APIs from a web browser environment.


The following actions are available with SWAN Operators and the access nodes they provide.


SWAN’s data is only stored with the web browser. The fetch action is used to generate a URL that the caller should navigate the web browser to. The web browser will return to a URL provided by the caller with the encrypted SWAN data appended. The URL will typically result in one, but on first use and at other times more, redirects before the browser returns to the URL provided by the caller.


Parameter Validation Description Example
accessKey Mandatory The secret access key known only to the caller and the SWAN Operator. 123
accessNode Optional The access node of the SWAN Operator that will be used to perform the decrypt action when control returns to the caller. If this is not provided, then the same SWAN Operator access node as the one being called will be used. This parameter is provided so that UIPs can pass an encrypted response to a publisher where they use different SWAN Operators.
backgroundColor Optional The HTML color for the background of the progress page. #111111
displayUserInterface Optional Boolean indicator for the display of the progress user interface. Defaults to true. true
javascript Optional If set to true then the response to the URL will be JavaScript code that will in turn add more JavaScript code to the page until all the SWAN nodes have been visited and the SWAN data is available for decryption. Used when third party cookies are available. Defaults to false. false
message Optional The message to display above the progress indicator if enabled during the operation. Along with the title this attribute enables callers to communicate with the user and set expectations. Hang tight. We’re just fetching your preferences.
messageColor Optional The HTML color to use for the message text. Blue
nodeCount Optional An integer number greater than 1 to indicate the number of nodes that should be used for the operation. 15
postMessageOnComplete Optional Boolean indicator to determine if a window.postMessages should be used to return the encrypted response from the storage operation. If set to false then the web browsers navigation returns to the URL. Defaults to false. false
pref Optional The current preferences OWID being used by the caller. Used if the data has been removed from the SWAN network, perhaps by tracking prevention techniques. Nx09ZGRCrt8kByjl_HKA
progressColor Optional The HTML color for the progress indicator. Red
remoteAddr Optional The IP address of the web browser as observed by the requesting server. Used to calculate the home node and reduce the number of redirects.
returnUrl Mandatory The complete URL that the web browser should return to when the operation completes. The encrypted data will be appended to this URL. If the postMessageOnComplete parameter is true then the value will be used to post the message to the correct window.
state Optional Optional array of values expressed via duplicate keys to pass information between the caller and the return url. “Custom messages”
stop Optional The current stopped advert identifiers being used by the caller. Used if the data has been removed from the SWAN network, perhaps by tracking prevention techniques.
swid Optional The current SWID OWID known to the caller. Used if the data has been removed from the SWAN network, perhaps by tracking prevention techniques. Nx09ZGRCrt8kByjl_HKA
tcString Optional The TCF string encoded in an OWID if provided by the publisher. Used if the data has been removed from the SWAN network, perhaps by tracking prevention techniques. Nx09ZGRCrt8kByjl_HKA
title Optional The title to display in the browser window during the operation. Getting your preferences
useHomeNode Optional Used to prevent the SWAN operator from using the home node even if it contains a current copy of the data. True to use the home node, false to ignore home nodes. Should be set to false when the caller does not want to rely on the data held in the home node alone and wants to force more nodes to be consulted before returning the data. Defaults to true. true
X-Forwarded-For Optional The HTTP header value for X-Forwarded-For as provided to the requesting web server. Used to calculate the home node and reduce the number of redirects.


The operation will fail with a bad request or not authorized response under the following conditions.

  • The access key is invalid.

  • The request is made from a web browser.

  • Mandatory fields are missing.

SWAN data

If the optional SWID, pref or tcString parameters provided are not valid OWIDs that can be verified by the SWAN Operator with the creator, they are ignored. The SWID must also have been created by a SWAN access node that is known to the SWAN access node being called. This approach provides SWAN participants that contract with SWAN Operators the option of helping the network retain data over a longer period of time when used with web browsers that seek to interfere with the cookie persistence settings of domains used by the SWAN network.

As OWIDs are encoded with time information this time information is used to establish which version of the value should be used in the event of a conflict with existing data. If a caller passes values to the API that are older than the current values held in SWAN then these values will be ignored. The caller will receive the newer values and update their values accordingly.

The email address or salt is not available as an optional parameter because it will never be known to the caller that is seeking to retrieve the SWAN data for the purposes of supporting advertising. The email and salt are only ever shared with the User Interface Provider and only for the purposes of facilitating user management of that data.


The following GET HTTP requests to a SWAN Operator using the domain for the access node, will result in a URL being returned.[YOUR ACCESS KEY][YOUR ACCESS KEY]

Assuming the accessKey is valid, and a return URL is provided, and the request is made from a server and not a web browser, the response will be a URL that must be used within the next few seconds. The domain used in the response will be chosen by the SWAN Operator and is likely to be the home node for the SWAN network for the specific web browser dependent on the X-Forwarded-For and remoteAddr optional parameters provided. The following is an example of such a URL.

The URL can be used in one of three ways depending on the input parameters.

Primary redirection

If javascript and postMessageOnComplete attributes are false.

The URL will display a user interface that should be used to redirect the primary navigation of the browser to. The browser will return to the URL provided in the returnUrl parameter with the encrypted SWAN data appended. Only the SWAN access node associated with either the called SWAN Operator or specified in the accessNode parameter can be used to decrypt the encrypted data.

Popup window

If the postMessageOnComplete attribute is set to true then the process will complete with a post message to the opening window. Rather than navigating the web browser to the return URL the caller should open a new window to perform the SWAN operation. The following code provides an example.

var w = 500;
var h = 625;
var x = screen.width/2 - w/2;
var y = screen.height/2 - h/2;
swanWindow =
    [URL returned from fetch],
    "width=" + w + ",height=" + h + ",left=" + x + ",top=" + y +
    ",directories=0,titlebar=0,toolbar=0,location=0,status=0," +

When the SWAN operation completes in that window the following JavaScript will be used to communicate to the caller the encrypted SWAN data as a base 64 string.

window.opener.postMessage("[Encrypted SWAN string]","[ReturnURL]");

If is the responsibility of the caller to open the window and handle closing the window when this post message is received. The returnUrl provided should match the URL of the opening window.


If the javascript parameter is set to true then the URL will return JavaScript code which will run immediately. This can be included on the page server side as an HTML script element such as the following.

<script src="[URL returned from fetch]" type="text/javascript"></script>

Alternatively other JavaScript code could be used to insert the element after the page has rendered. The following example shows how this could be achieved.

var s = document.createElement("script");
s.src ="[URL returned from fetch]";

The caller must ensure there is a global function titled swanComplete to the encrypted SWAN data. This function will be responsible for decrypting the SWAN data, possibly by making a call to a custom server-side endpoint.

function swanComplete(encrypted) {
    // Decrypt the encrypted data.

The encrypted data must be decrypted using the decrypt or decrypt-raw actions.


The data takes an encrypted base 64 string, returned to the caller via another method such as in a URL path segment, in the content of a client side postMessage or via a JavaScript call to the global method swanComplete. The fetch action described previously is usually called prior to the decrypt action.

A decrypted version of the input for use by the caller under the terms of the SWAN model terms is returned.

The encrypted input data must be generated specifically with the intention of the SWAN Operator being called decrypting it. The access node used for the decrypt operation should match the accessNode parameter value provided to the preceding fetch or update actions. The operation will fail otherwise.


Parameter Validation Example
accessKey Mandatory 123
encrypted Mandatory 5dq6LhxaSBF…Nx09ZGRCrt8kByjl_HKA_1DscE7d4xLXVbz0_l1c



The operation will fail with a Bad Request response under the following conditions.

  • The access key is invalid.

  • The request is made from a web browser.

  • The encrypted data has been corrupted and cannot be decoded.

  • The encrypted data was intended for a different SWAN Operator and can therefore not be decrypted by the one called. See the accessNode parameter of the fetch or update action.

  • The time period for the validity of the data has elapsed.


Five SWAN fields are returned. Each field has four attributes associated with them that are described in the following table.

Attribute Format Description
Key The SWAN data field name String either swid, sid, pref, tcString or val.
Created UTC date and time string The date and time when the data was created in the SWAN network.
Expires UTC date and time string The data and time after which any copies of the data should no longer be used and the value revalidated with SWAN. Typically used by the caller when setting the expiry time of any cookies.
Value Base 64 encoded string with the value


The SWAN data items available for readonly operation and distribution exclusively to SWAN participants bound by the model terms are returned.



"Key": "sid",

"Created": "2021-03-28T00:00:00Z",

"Expires": "2021-03-28T11:33:56.4466785Z",

"Value": "AjUxZGEudWsAJfEJAB… df9/uXPU="



"Key": "swid",

"Created": "2021-03-28T00:00:00Z",

"Expires": "2021-03-28T11:33:56.4466785Z",

"Value": "AjUxZGEudWsAo/AJ…X6rpasa6xjJFg=="



"Key": "stop",

"Created": "2021-03-28T00:00:00Z",

"Expires": "2021-03-28T11:33:56.4466785Z",

"Value": null



"Key": "pref",

"Created": "2021-03-28T00:00:00Z",

"Expires": "2021-03-28T11:33:56.4466785Z",

"Value": "AmNtcC5zd2FuLWRlbW8…AkY/HAZI="



"Key": "val",

"Created": "2021-03-28T00:00:00Z",

"Expires": "2021-03-28T11:33:56.4466785Z",

"Value": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"




The publisher receives a URL of the following form.…Nx09ZGRCrt8kByjl_HKA_1DscE7d4xLXVbz0_l1c

The last segment of the path is the encrypted SWAN data that needs to be decrypted and turned into usable SWAN data. The publisher is responsible for extracting the input data and passing it to the decrypt action.

Decrypt Raw

The decrypt-raw action takes the same parameters as the decrypt operation. However, it returns the information that a User Interface Provider needs to display the user interface along with the data needed to use when calling the update action to update the SWAN network and return the web browser to the caller.

The data returned from decrypt-raw can never be used for any purpose other than to provision a user interface. This is a strict requirement of the model terms.

Returned Fields

Attribute Format Description
email OWID The email address as an OWID if available. The payload is the email string.
pref OWID The preferences as an OWID if available. The payload will be the string “on” or “off”.
salt OWID The salt as an OWID if available. The payload is the base 64 encoded version of the salt.
swid OWID The SWID as an OWID if available. The payload is a GUID associated with the web browser.
tcString OWID The TCF string as an OWID if available. The payload is the TCF string.
accessNode backgroundColor displayUserInterface message messageColor postMessageOnComplete javaScript useHomeNode progressColor returnUrl title The same meaning as those provided as input to the fetch action.




"accessNode": "",

"backgroundColor": "#f5f5f5",

"displayUserInterface": "true",

"email": "[email protected]",

"message": "Hang tight. We're getting things ready.",

"messageColor": "darkslategray",

"postMessageOnComplete": "false",

"pref": "on",

"progressColor": "darkgreen",

"returnUrl": "",

"swid": "AjUxZGEudWsAf/AJABAAAABELOODXltP4q2r0aTO0v4GlzOu0WiLOi+6Av4QMgwv9ZL/yIQvmY0CCBhKIFKduS/2e2QQDoFIHrOGga4cHM27Tskgjx+JlITydAckF2b3Ug",

"title": "SWAN Demo"




User Interface Providers (UIPs) can use this update action to update the SWAN network. The following fields are passed to the transaction.

Only the SWAN Operators can create SWIDs. See the method CreateSWID to generate new SWIDs.

All the values for email, pref, salt and tcString must the turned into OWIDs before passing them in the update request.


Attribute Format Description
email OWID The raw email address contained in the payload of an OWID generated by the UIP.
pref OWID The preference string contained in the payload of an OWID generated by the UIP.
swid OWID The SWID as an OWID generated by the SWAN Operator that created it via a call to create SWID.
salt OWID The salt as a base 64 string contained in the payload of an OWID generated by the UIP.
tcString OWID The TCF string contained in the payload of an OWID generated by the UIP.
accessNode backgroundColor displayUserInterface message messageColor postMessageOnComplete javaScript useHomeNode progressColor returnUrl title The same meaning as those provided as input to the fetch action.


The operation will fail with a Bad Request response under the following conditions.

  • The access key is invalid.

  • The request is made from a web browser.

  • Mandatory fields are missing.

  • The OWID format parameters are not valid OWIDs where they are provided.

Once the URL is returned it behaves in the same manner as the fetch action.


This action is similar to update and fetch in that it will write data to the SWAN network.

Unlike other SWAN data the stop attribute is a list of domains stored in plain text. No OWIDs are used. The caller provides the host they wish to stop in the host parameter. The accessKey and other parameters are identical to the fetch action.


Parameter Validation Example
accessKey Mandatory 123
host Mandatory
accessNode backgroundColor displayUserInterface message messageColor postMessageOnComplete javaScript useHomeNode progressColor returnUrl title The same meaning as those provided as input to the fetch action.


The operation will fail with a Bad Request response under the following conditions.

  • The access key is invalid.

  • The request is made from a web browser.

  • Host field is missing.


The following request will return a URL that should be used as described in the fetch example.\& 


Passed an access key and returns a byte array containing a SWID OWID generated by the SWAN Operator.


The operation will fail with an authentication error response under the following conditions.

  • The access key is invalid.


Home Node

Passed an access key, and the optional parameters X-Forwarded-For and remoteAddr to return the home node domain as text string for the web browser associated with the data.


The operation will fail with an authentication error response under the following conditions.

  • The access key is invalid.
