Releases: OneSignal/OneSignal-Cordova-SDK
Releases · OneSignal/OneSignal-Cordova-SDK
1.13.0 Release
Support for background images on Android
1.12.6 Release
Android Fixes - button and rare crash
- Fixed vary rare
crash. - Fixed issue where buttons would not display.
- 1.12.5 regression bug.
1.12.5 Release
Updated native iOS and Java SDKs
1.12.4 Release
Android getTags callback fix when tags have not been set.
1.12.3 Release
Fixed Android build error
1.12.2 Release
Updated to latest native SDKs.
- Added default notification accent color option for Android 5+ devices.
- com.onesignal.NotificationAccentColor.DEFAULT
- Detects push environment correctly when an iOS wildcard provisioning profile is used.
- Fixed null context error with Android SDK with badge.
- setEmail Android.
1.12.1 Release
Fixed Android and iOS build errors
1.12.0 Release
Automatic Android Badge counts and Geotagging
- Added support for Android badges. Supported on launchers by Sony, Samsung, LG, HTC, Xiaomi, ASUS, ADW, APEX, and NOVA.
- Counts are automatically set to the number of notifications shown in the Android notification shade.
- Geotagging support.
- setEmail function.
1.11.2 Release
iOS Intel XDK compat and misc Android fixes
iOS fixes
- Now compatible with Intel XDK.
Android fixes
- Fixed bug where launch URLs were not opening when the app was in a closed state
- Fixed bug where deleting multiple already sync tags after sync would print a null error and local sync state would not save.
- Notification shade now closes when tapping on a notification action button when the app is in focus.
- Now checks for "errors" key and fires onFailure correctly in postNotification.
- getTags no longer throws null exception if called before OneSignal init is called.