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bundle dump missing formulas? #1543

dalisoft opened this issue Dec 25, 2024 · 5 comments

bundle dump missing formulas? #1543

dalisoft opened this issue Dec 25, 2024 · 5 comments


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dalisoft commented Dec 25, 2024


I always used brew bundle dump --force to create Brewfile and sorted manually. My last Brewfile is 4 months old but when today tried it shown much less (almost 2x less) results. Is something wrong with my trying or something was changed in last 4 months?

Thank you




Old `Brewfile`


tap "afnanenayet/tap"
tap "heroku/brew"
tap "homebrew/bundle"
tap "homebrew/services"
tap "mongodb/brew"
#tap "mutagen-io/mutagen"
tap "ngrok/ngrok"
tap "oven-sh/bun"
tap "libsql/sqld"
tap "tursodatabase/tap"
brew "abseil"
brew "act"
brew "age"
brew "ca-certificates"
brew "certifi"
brew "pycparser"
brew "cffi"
brew "openssl@3"
brew "cryptography"
brew "libssh"
brew "libyaml"
brew "mpdecimal"
brew "readline"
brew "sqlite"
brew "xz"
brew "[email protected]"
brew "ansible"
brew "brotli"
brew "giflib"
brew "highway"
brew "imath"
brew "jpeg-turbo"
brew "libpng"
brew "lz4"
brew "zstd"
brew "libtiff"
brew "little-cms2"
brew "openexr"
brew "webp"
brew "jpeg-xl"
brew "libvmaf"
brew "aom"
brew "apr"
brew "apr-util"
brew "argon2"
brew "gettext"
brew "libssh2"
brew "aria2"
brew "aribb24"
brew "eigen"
brew "gmp"
brew "isl"
brew "mpfr"
brew "libmpc"
brew "gcc"
brew "hwloc"
brew "libevent"
brew "pmix"
brew "open-mpi"
brew "arpack"
brew "aspell"
brew "assimp"
brew "augeas"
brew "m4"
brew "autoconf"
brew "bash"
brew "oniguruma"
brew "bat"
brew "freetype"
brew "fontconfig"
brew "pcre2"
brew "xorgproto"
brew "libxau"
brew "libxdmcp"
brew "libxcb"
brew "libx11"
brew "libxext"
brew "libxrender"
brew "lzo"
brew "graphite2"
brew "icu4c"
brew "harfbuzz"
brew "openjdk"
brew "bfg"
brew "bitwise"
brew "pkg-config"
brew "boost"
brew "cairo"
brew "c-ares"
brew "capstone"
brew "cassowary"
brew "dialog"
brew "certbot"
brew "cjson"
brew "cmake"
brew "ruby"
brew "cocoapods"
brew "libunistring"
brew "libidn2"
brew "libnghttp2"
brew "rtmpdump"
brew "libtool"
brew "unixodbc"
brew "freetds"
brew "libavif"
brew "gd"
brew "krb5"
brew "libpq"
brew "libsodium"
brew "libzip"
brew "openldap"
brew "tidy-html5"
brew "php"
brew "composer"
brew "curl"
brew "coreutils"
brew "dav1d"
brew "dbus"
brew "deno"
brew "docker-completion"
brew "docker"
brew "docker-buildx"
brew "docker-compose"
brew "difftastic"
brew "double-conversion"
brew "dprint"
brew "dtc"
brew "dwarfutils"
brew "fmt"
brew "gflags"
brew "glog"
brew "snappy"
brew "folly"
brew "fizz"
brew "mvfst"
brew "wangle"
brew "fbthrift"
brew "fb303"
brew "jbig2dec"
brew "libidn"
brew "openjpeg"
brew "ghostscript"
brew "epstool"
brew "exiftool"
brew "libgit2"
brew "eza"
brew "fd"
brew "libogg"
brew "flac"
brew "frei0r"
brew "fribidi"
brew "libtasn1"
brew "nettle"
brew "p11-kit"
brew "unbound"
brew "fdupes"
brew "gnutls"
brew "lame"
brew "leptonica"
brew "libb2"
brew "libarchive"
brew "libunibreak"
brew "libass"
brew "libbluray"
brew "libmicrohttpd"
brew "mbedtls"
brew "librist"
brew "libsamplerate"
brew "libvorbis"
brew "mpg123"
brew "opus"
brew "libsndfile"
brew "libsoxr"
brew "libvidstab"
brew "libvpx"
brew "opencore-amr"
brew "rav1e"
brew "rubberband"
brew "sdl2"
brew "speex"
brew "srt"
brew "svt-av1"
brew "tesseract"
brew "theora"
brew "x264"
brew "x265"
brew "xvid"
brew "zeromq"
brew "zimg"
brew "ffmpeg"
brew "fftw"
brew "jasper"
brew "netpbm"
brew "fig2dev"
brew "ncurses"
brew "fish"
brew "fltk"
brew "fnm"
brew "fpart"
brew "gdk-pixbuf"
brew "gh"
brew "git"
brew "libmagic"
brew "git-annex"
brew "git-cliff"
brew "hunspell"
brew "libmng"
brew "md4c"
brew "git-cola"
brew "git-crypt"
brew "git-delta"
brew "git-filter-repo"
brew "git-lfs"
brew "git-remote-gcrypt"
brew "gl2ps"
brew "glpk"
brew "libgpg-error"
brew "libassuan"
brew "libgcrypt"
brew "libksba"
brew "libusb"
brew "npth"
brew "pinentry"
brew "gnupg"
brew "glib"
brew "go"
brew "libde265"
brew "shared-mime-info"
brew "libheif"
brew "graphicsmagick"
brew "libaec"
brew "hdf5"
brew "htop"
brew "hyperfine"
brew "liblqr"
brew "libomp"
brew "libraw"
brew "imagemagick"
brew "iperf"
brew "iperf3"
brew "pango"
brew "jpeg"
brew "kind"
brew "kcov"
brew "lego"
brew "less"
brew "libffi"
brew "librsvg"
brew "libslirp"
brew "libuv"
brew "libvterm"
brew "z3"
brew "llvm"
brew "lpeg"
brew "luajit"
brew "luv"
brew "mas"
brew "metis"
brew "miller"
brew "mkcert"
brew "mongosh"
brew "protobuf"
brew "mosh"
brew "msgpack"
brew "nano"
brew "fastfetch"
brew "tree-sitter"
brew "unibilium"
brew "neovim"
brew "node"
brew "nspr"
brew "nss"
brew "plotutils"
brew "portaudio"
brew "pstoedit"
brew "qhull"
brew "qrupdate"
brew "qscintilla2"
brew "rapidjson"
brew "suite-sparse"
brew "sundials"
brew "texinfo"
brew "octave"
brew "openblas"
brew "openjdk@11"
brew "parallel"
brew "pcre"
brew "pinentry-mac"
brew "pipx"
brew "pixman"
brew "pnpm"
brew "qemu"
#brew "podman"
brew "popt"
brew "postgresql@14"
brew "qt"
brew "pyqt"
brew "vde"
brew "rclone"
brew "ripgrep"
brew "xxhash"
brew "rsync"
brew "rustup"
brew "rust-analyzer"
brew "shellcheck"
brew "shfmt"
brew "shellspec"
brew "smartmontools"
brew "speedtest-cli"
brew "starship"
brew "testdisk"
brew "utf8proc"
brew "tmux"
brew "tmuxinator"
brew "trash"
brew "tree"
brew "unzip"
brew "volta"
brew "wakeonlan"
brew "wasm-pack"
brew "watchman"
brew "websocat"
brew "wget"
brew "wrk"
brew "yarn"
brew "zig"
brew "zsh"
brew "afnanenayet/tap/diffsitter"
brew "heroku/brew/heroku"
brew "libsql/sqld/sqld"
brew "mongodb/brew/mongodb-database-tools"
brew "mongodb/brew/mongodb-community"
#brew "mutagen-io/mutagen/mutagen"
#brew "mutagen-io/mutagen/mutagen-compose"
brew "oven-sh/bun/bun"
brew "yt-dlp"
brew "tursodatabase/tap/turso"
cask "1password"
cask "adguard"
cask "adguard-vpn"
cask "adobe-acrobat-reader"
cask "affine"
#cask "affinity-designer"
#cask "affinity-photo"
cask "aldente"
cask "alt-tab"
cask "altair-graphql-client"
cask "altserver"
cask "android-file-transfer"
cask "android-studio"
cask "appcleaner"
cask "arctype"
#cask "arq"
#cask "arq-cloud-backup"
#cask "avibrazil-rdm"
#cask "balenaetcher"
cask "beekeeper-studio"
#cask "bettertouchtool"
cask "boop"
cask "browserstacklocal"
cask "canva"
cask "chatgpt"
cask "coconutbattery"
#cask "codeedit"
cask "cryptomator"
cask "cyberduck"
cask "datagrip"
#cask "dataspell"
#cask "diffusionbee"
cask "diffusionbee"
cask "direqual"
#cask "docker"
#cask "fedora-media-writer"
cask "figma"
cask "firefox"
cask "fleet"
cask "font-fira-code"
cask "font-jetbrains-mono"
cask "framer"
#cask "eloston-chromium"
cask "fsnotes"
cask "gemini"
cask "gitbutler"
cask "hiddenbar"
cask "iina"
cask "imazing"
cask "iterm2"
cask "itermai"
cask "kap"
cask "knockknock"
#cask "krisp"
cask "lapce"
#cask "logseq"
cask "lulu"
cask "lunacy"
#cask "macfuse"
#cask "macs-fan-control"
cask "macupdater"
cask "microsoft-auto-update"
cask "microsoft-edge"
#cask "microsoft-office"
cask "miniforge"
cask "miro"
cask "mongodb-compass"
cask "moonlight"
#cask "multipass"
#cask "monitorcontrol"
#cask "mounty"
cask "netnewswire"
cask "ngrok"
cask "notion"
cask "numi"
#cask "nvidia-geforce-now"
#cask "outline-manager"
cask "obsidian"
cask "onlyoffice"
cask "openvpn-connect"
cask "orbstack"
cask "paragon-ntfs"
#cask "parsec"
cask "postgres-unofficial"
cask "postico"
cask "postman"
#cask "proxyman"
#cask "pycharm"
#cask "qbittorrent"
cask "raindropio"
cask "rapidapi"
#cask "raspberry-pi-imager"
cask "raycast"
cask "rectangle"
cask "redis-pro"
cask "redisinsight"
cask "reikey"
cask "rustrover"
#cask "sensei"
#cask "slack"
cask "soulver"
cask "spotify"
cask "sublime-text"
cask "syncthing"
cask "tableplus"
#cask "teamviewer"
cask "tailscale"
#cask "taskexplorer"
cask "telegram-desktop"
cask "tg-pro"
cask "upscayl"
cask "utm"
cask "veracrypt"
cask "virtualbox@beta"
cask "visual-studio-code"
cask "visual-studio-code@insiders"
#cask "vnc-viewer"
cask "vmware-fusion"
cask "webstorm"
#cask "wifi-explorer-pro"
cask "zed"
#cask "zerotier-one"
#cask "zoom"
mas "1Password for Safari", id: 1569813296
mas "Apple Configurator", id: 1037126344
mas "Baking Soda", id: 1601151613
mas "Blackmagic RAW Speed Test", id: 1466185689
mas "CapCut", id: 1500855883
#mas "Cleaner for Xcode", id: 1296084683
#mas "Codye", id: 1516894961
mas "CodeOfWar", id: 1310262344
mas "CompareMerge2", id: 1459748650
mas "Core Tunnel", id: 1354318707
mas "Craft", id: 1487937127
mas "Data Modeler", id: 1575153701
#mas "Developer", id: 640199958
#mas "DaVinci Resolve", id: 571213070
mas "Disk Decipher", id: 516538625
mas "Disk Speed Test", id: 425264550
mas "Enchanted", id: 6474268307
mas "Hex Fiend", id: 1342896380
#mas "Home Design 3D", id: 1342163391
#mas "iMovie", id: 408981434
mas "Infuse", id: 1136220934
mas "iPreview", id: 1519213509
#mas "Live Home 3D", id: 1066144116
#mas "Medis 1", id: 1063631769
mas "Medis", id: 1579200037
mas "Microsoft Excel", id: 462058435
mas "Microsoft Outlook", id: 985367838
mas "Microsoft PowerPoint", id: 462062816
mas "Microsoft Remote Desktop", id: 1295203466
mas "Microsoft Word", id: 462054704
#mas "Mockup", id: 1527554407
#mas "MQTT Explorer", id: 1455214828
#mas "Notability", id: 360593530
#mas "Octotree", id: 1457450145
#mas "Ora", id: 1340501510
#mas "Outline", id: 1356178125
#mas "Noted", id: 1446580517
mas "OneDrive", id: 823766827
mas "OpenCat", id: 6445999201
mas "Photomator", id: 1444636541
mas "Pixelmator Pro", id: 1289583905
#mas "Planner 5D", id: 1310584536
mas "RectLabel", id: 1490990105
mas "Save to", id: 1549370672
#mas "Sculptor", id: 1493318997
mas "Sequel Ace", id: 1518036000
mas "Telegram", id: 747648890
#mas "TeraCopy", id: 1378806557
mas "TestFlight", id: 899247664
mas "The Unarchiver", id: 425424353
#mas "Transporter", id: 1450874784
mas "Vinegar", id: 1591303229
mas "VN", id: 1494451650
#mas "Wappalyzer", id: 1520333300
mas "WebSocket Client", id: 1399498094
mas "Xcode", id: 497799835
New `Brewfile`
tap "heroku/brew"
tap "homebrew/bundle"
tap "homebrew/services"
tap "krtirtho/apps"
tap "libsql/sqld"
tap "localsend/localsend"
tap "mongodb/brew"
tap "ngrok/ngrok"
tap "oven-sh/bun"
tap "supabase/tap"
tap "tursodatabase/tap"
brew "act"
brew "age"
brew "ansible"
brew "giflib"
brew "aria2"
brew "openblas"
brew "asitop"
brew "bash"
brew "bat"
brew "glib"
brew "pixman"
brew "cairo"
brew "bfg"
brew "bitwise"
brew "cassowary"
brew "certbot"
brew "pkgconf"
brew "cmake"
brew "ruby"
brew "cocoapods"
brew "curl"
brew "php"
brew "composer"
brew "coreutils"
brew "deno"
brew "difftastic"
brew "dprint"
brew "pango"
brew "exiftool"
brew "eza"
brew "fastfetch"
brew "fd"
brew "fdupes"
brew "unbound"
brew "ffmpeg"
brew "fish"
brew "fnm"
brew "fpart"
brew "gh"
brew "git"
brew "git-annex"
brew "git-cliff"
brew "qt"
brew "pyqt"
brew "git-cola"
brew "git-crypt"
brew "git-delta"
brew "git-filter-repo"
brew "git-lfs"
brew "git-remote-gcrypt"
brew "gnupg"
brew "go"
brew "htop"
brew "hyperfine"
brew "imagemagick"
brew "iperf"
brew "iperf3"
brew "jpeg"
brew "kcov"
brew "kind"
brew "lego"
brew "less"
brew "libffi"
brew "librsvg"
brew "llama.cpp"
brew "llvm"
brew "mas"
brew "miller"
brew "mkcert"
brew "node"
brew "mosh"
brew "nano"
brew "neovim"
brew "nss"
brew "octave"
brew "ollama", restart_service: true
brew "opencv"
brew "openjdk@11"
brew "parallel"
brew "pinentry-mac"
brew "pipx"
brew "pnpm"
brew "postgresql@14"
brew "qemu"
brew "rclone"
brew "ripgrep"
brew "rsync"
brew "rust-analyzer"
brew "rustup"
brew "shellcheck"
brew "shellspec"
brew "shfmt"
brew "smartmontools"
brew "speedtest-cli"
brew "starship"
brew "testdisk"
brew "tmux"
brew "tmuxinator"
brew "trash", link: true
brew "tree"
brew "unzip"
brew "volta"
brew "wakeonlan"
brew "wasm-pack"
brew "watchman"
brew "websocat"
brew "wget"
brew "wrk"
brew "yarn"
brew "yt-dlp"
brew "zbar"
brew "zig"
brew "zsh"
brew "heroku/brew/heroku"
brew "mongodb/brew/mongodb-community"
brew "oven-sh/bun/bun"
brew "supabase/tap/supabase"
brew "tursodatabase/tap/turso"
cask "1password"
cask "adguard"
cask "adguard-vpn"
cask "adobe-acrobat-reader"
cask "affine"
cask "aldente"
cask "alt-tab"
cask "altair-graphql-client"
cask "android-studio"
cask "anythingllm"
cask "anytype"
cask "appcleaner"
cask "appflowy"
cask "arctype"
cask "beekeeper-studio"
cask "boop"
cask "browserstacklocal"
cask "canva"
cask "chatgpt"
cask "coconutbattery"
cask "cryptomator"
cask "cursor"
cask "cyberduck"
cask "datagrip"
cask "dbeaver-community"
cask "diffusionbee"
cask "direqual"
cask "drawio"
cask "excalidrawz"
cask "figma"
cask "firefox"
cask "fleet"
cask "font-fira-code"
cask "font-jetbrains-mono"
cask "framer"
cask "fsnotes"
cask "gemini"
cask "gitbutler"
cask "google-cloud-sdk"
cask "hiddenbar"
cask "huly"
cask "iina"
cask "imazing"
cask "iterm2"
cask "itermai"
cask "jan"
cask "kap"
cask "knockknock"
cask "lapce"
cask "lm-studio"
cask "localsend"
cask "lulu"
cask "lunacy"
cask "maccy"
cask "macfuse"
cask "macupdater"
cask "microsoft-auto-update"
cask "microsoft-edge"
cask "miniforge"
cask "miro"
cask "mongodb-compass"
cask "moonlight"
cask "msty"
cask "netnewswire"
cask "ngrok"
cask "notesollama"
cask "notion"
cask "numi"
cask "obsidian"
cask "onlyoffice"
cask "openvpn-connect"
cask "orbstack"
cask "paragon-ntfs"
cask "parsec"
cask "postgres-unofficial"
cask "postico"
cask "postman"
cask "raindropio"
cask "rapidapi"
cask "raycast"
cask "rectangle"
cask "redis-pro"
cask "redisinsight"
cask "reikey"
cask "rustrover"
cask "slack"
cask "soulver"
cask "spotify"
cask "spotube"
cask "sublime-text"
cask "syncthing"
cask "tableplus"
cask "tailscale"
cask "telegram-desktop"
cask "tg-pro"
cask "thunderbird"
cask "upscayl"
cask "utm"
cask "veracrypt"
cask "virtualbox"
cask "visual-studio-code"
cask "vmware-fusion"
cask "webstorm"
cask "zed"
cask "zoom"
mas "1Password for Safari", id: 1569813296
mas "Apple Configurator", id: 1037126344
mas "Baking Soda", id: 1601151613
mas "Blackmagic RAW Speed Test", id: 1466185689
mas "CapCut", id: 1500855883
mas "CodeOfWar", id: 1310262344
mas "CompareMerge2", id: 1459748650
mas "Core Tunnel", id: 1354318707
mas "Craft", id: 1487937127
mas "Data Modeler", id: 1575153701
mas "Disk Decipher", id: 516538625
mas "Disk Speed Test", id: 425264550
mas "Enchanted", id: 6474268307
mas "Hex Fiend", id: 1342896380
mas "Infuse", id: 1136220934
mas "iPreview", id: 1519213509
mas "LG Screen Manager", id: 1142051783
mas "Medis", id: 1579200037
mas "Microsoft Excel", id: 462058435
mas "Microsoft Outlook", id: 985367838
mas "Microsoft PowerPoint", id: 462062816
mas "Microsoft Word", id: 462054704
mas "Noted", id: 1446580517
mas "OneDrive", id: 823766827
mas "OpenCat", id: 6445999201
mas "Photomator", id: 1444636541
mas "Pixelmator Pro", id: 1289583905
mas "RectLabel", id: 1490990105
mas "Save to", id: 1549370672
mas "Sequel Ace", id: 1518036000
mas "TestFlight", id: 899247664
mas "The Unarchiver", id: 425424353
mas "UpNote", id: 1398373917
mas "Vinegar", id: 1591303229
mas "VN", id: 1494451650
mas "WebSocket Client", id: 1399498094
mas "Windows App", id: 1295203466
mas "Xcode", id: 497799835
@dalisoft dalisoft changed the title bundle dump not working properly? bundle dump missing formulas? Dec 25, 2024
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gromgit commented Dec 25, 2024

There has been at least one recent Homebrew PR that fixed dependency recording: Homebrew/brew#18768. This quite likely affects the bundle dump, as the code before these PRs incorrectly assumed formulae in certain circumstances were "installed on request", and therefore needed to be listed in the bundle dump.

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Are there formulae you're missing from the new bundle that you'd want to be installed?

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I don't know specially package we're missed by this but i did collect those packages long time to being my system worked properly. I do not want then search again to packages those required by any of my program

Can i manually revert old behavior temporarily?

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without a reproduction case we're pretty limited on what we're able to do here. can you please provide a minimal Brewfile or steps that reproduce the behaviour you're seeing here?

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The Brewfile and how new and old Brewfile looks already included in original post. I will close issue. When appears some package missed, i will re-open. Thank you everyone

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4 participants