組件 | Version |
SpringCloud | Hoxton.SR3 |
SpringBoot | 2.2.5.RELEASE |
SpringCloud Gateway | 2.2.2.RELEASE |
SpringCloud Alibaba | 2.2.1.RELEASE |
Nacos | v2.0.4 |
Sentinel Dashboard | 1.8.0 |
Maven | 3 |
Docker | v20.10.10 |
cd SpringCloud-Nginx-Nacos-Sentinel-Gateway-BootApps-master Folder
api | Service |
localhost:80 | Nginx |
/rbac | Service-RBAC |
/sms | Service-SMS |
/rbac/sms | RBAC -> SMS1 / SMS2 |
localhost: each service port | not allow |
localhost:8848/nacos/ | Nacos DashBoard (signin nacos:nacos) |
localhost:8858 | Sentinel DashBoard (signin sentinel:sentinel ) |
- Nacos Cluster with Nginx
- Gateway Cluster
- Nginx Cluster with KeepAlive