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File metadata and controls

1678 lines (1218 loc) · 70.4 KB


Sven Van Caekenberghe

May 2012

(This is a draft for inclusion as a chapter in the 'Pharo By Example 2' book.)

HTTP is arguably the most important application level network protocol for what we consider to be the internet. It is the protocol that allows web browsers and web servers to communicate. It is also becoming the most popular protocol for implementing web services.

Naturally, Pharo Smalltalk has out of the box support for HTTP.

An introduction to HTTP

HTTP, short for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, functions as a request-response protocol in the client-server computing model. As an application level protocol it is layered on top of a reliable transport such as a TCP socket stream. The most important standard specification document describing HTTP version 1.1 is RFC 2616. As usual another good starting point is the Wikipedia article on HTTP.

    +------>> request >>------+
[client]                   [server]
    +------<< response <<-----+

A client, often called user-agent, submits an HTTP request to a server which will respond with an HTTP response. The initiative of the communication lies with the client. Requests and responses are quite similar and are often called HTTP messages.

In HTTP parlance, you request a resource. A resource, sometimes called an entity, is the combination of a collection of bytes and a mime-type. A simple text resource will consist of bytes encoding the string in some encoding, for example UTF-8, and the mime-type 'text/plain;charset=utf-8'. An HTML resource will have a mime-type like 'text/html;charset=utf-8'.

To specify which resource you want, a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is used. Web addresses are the most common form of URL. For example,, is a URL that referes to a PNG image resource on a specific server.

The reliable transport connection between an HTTP client and server is used bidirectionally: both to send the request as well as to receive the response. It can be used for just one request/response cycle, as was the case for HTTP version 1.0, or it can be reused for multiple request/response cycles, as is the default for HTTP version 1.1.

Zinc HTTP Components

Zinc HTTP Components is an open source Smalltalk framework to deal with HTTP. It models most concepts of HTTP and its related standards and offers both client and server functionality. One of its key goals is to offer understandability (Smalltalk's design principle number one). Anyone with a basic understanding of Smalltalk and the HTTP principles should be able to understand what is going on and learn, by looking at the implementation. Zinc, or Zn, after its namespace prefix, is an integral part of Pharo Smalltalk since version 1.3. It has been ported to other Smalltalk implementations such as Squeak and Gemstone.

The reference Zn implementation lives in several places:

Installation or updating instructions can be found there.

Doing a simple request

The key object to programmatically execute HTTP requests is called ZnClient. You instantiate it, use its rich API to configure and execute an HTTP request and access the response. ZnClient is a stateful object to be treated like a builder. Let's get started with the simplest possible usage.

ZnClient new get: ''.

Select the above expression and inspect or print it. If all goes well, you'll get a String back containing a very small HTML document. The #get: method belongs to the convenience API. Let's be a bit more explicit about what happened.

ZnClient new
  url: '';

Here we explicitly set the url using #url:, execute an HTTP GET using #get and ask for the response object using #response.
The above returns a ZnResponse object. It consists of 3 elements:

  1. a ZnStatusLine object
  2. a ZnHeaders object
  3. an optional ZnEntity object

The status line says HTTP/1.1 200 OK, which means the request was successful. This can be tested by sending #isSuccess to either the response object or the client itself. The headers contain meta data related to the response, including:

  • the content-type (a mime-type), accessed with #contentType
  • the content-length (a byte count), accessed with #contentLength
  • the date the response was generated
  • the server that generated the response

The entity is the actual resource: the bytes that should be interpreted in the context of the content-type mime-type. Zn will automatically convert non-binary mime-types into Strings using the correct encoding. In our example, the entity will be an instance of ZnStringEntity, a concrete subclass of ZnEntity.

Like any Smalltalk object, you can inspect or explore the ZnResponse object. You might be wondering how this response was actually transferred over the network. That is easy with Zn, as the key HTTP objects all implement #writeOn: for this purpose.

| response |
response := (ZnClient new)
  url: '';
response writeOn: Transcript.
Transcript flush.

If you have the Transcript open, you should see something like the following:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 08 May 2012 19:00:25 GMT
Modification-Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2011 08:32:30 GMT
Content-Length: 113
Server: Zinc HTTP Components 1.0
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8

<body><h1>Small</h1><p>This is a small HTML document</p></body>

The first CRLF terminated line is the status line. Next are the headers, each on a line with a key and a value. An empty line ends the headers. Finally, the entity bytes follows, either up to the content length or up to the end of the stream.

You might wonder what the request looked like as it went over the line ? You can find out using the same technique.

| request |
request := (ZnClient new)
  url: '';
request writeOn: Transcript.
Transcript flush.

In an open Transcript you will now see:

GET /zn/small.html HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
User-Agent: Zinc HTTP Components 1.0

A ZnRequest object consists of 3 elements:

  1. a ZnRequestLine object
  2. a ZnHeaders object
  3. an optional ZnEntity object

The request line contains the HTTP method (sometimes called verb), URL and the HTTP protocol version. Next come the request headers, similar to the response headers, meta data including:

  • the host we want to talk to
  • the kind of mime-types that we accept or prefer
  • the user-agent that we are

If you look carefully at the Transcript you will see the empty line terminating the headers. For most kinds of requests, like for a GET, there is no entity.

For debugging and for learning, it can be helpful to enable logging on the client. Try the following.

ZnClient new
  get: ''.

This will print out lots of information on the Transcript, except for the entity (resource) itself because that might be too large.

2012-05-09 14:30:59 866904 I Wrote a ZnRequest(GET /zn/small.html)
2012-05-09 14:30:59 866904 D Sent headers
Accept: */*
User-Agent: Zinc HTTP Components 1.0

2012-05-09 14:30:59 866904 I Read a ZnResponse(200 OK text/html;charset=utf-8 113B)
2012-05-09 14:30:59 866904 D Received headers
Date: Wed, 09 May 2012 12:25:44 GMT
Modification-Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2011 08:32:30 GMT
Content-Length: 113
Server: Zinc HTTP Components 1.0
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8

2012-05-09 14:30:59 866904 T GET /zn/small.html 200 113B 171ms

In a later subsection about server logging, which uses the same mechanism, you will learn how to interpret and customize logging.

HTTP Success ?

A simple view of HTTP is: you request a resource and get a response back containing the resource. But even if the mechanics of HTTP did work, and even that is not guaranteed (see the next section), the response could not be what you expected.

HTTP defines a whole set of so called status codes to define various situations. These codes turn up as part of the status line of a response. The dictionary mapping numeric codes to their textual reason string is predefined.

ZnConstants httpStatusCodes.

A good overview can be found in the Wikipedia article List of HTTP status codes. The most common code, the one that indicates success is numeric code 200 with reason 'OK'. Have a look at the testing protocol of ZnResponse for how to interpret some of them.

So if you do an HTTP request and get something back, you cannot just assume that all is well. You first have to make sure that the call itself (more specifically the response) was successful. As mentioned before, you can do so by sending #isSuccess to the response or the client.

| client |
client := ZnClient new.
client get: ''.
client isSuccess
  ifTrue: [ client contents lines collect: [ :each | each asNumber ] ]
  ifFalse: [ self inform: 'Something went wrong' ]

To make it easier to write better HTTP client code, ZnClient offers some useful API. You can ask the client to consider non-successful HTTP responses as errors with the #enforceHTTPSuccess option. The client will then automatically throw a ZnHTTPUnsuccesful exception. This is generally useful when upstream code handles errors.

To install a local failure handler, there is the #ifFail: option. This will invoke a block, optionally passing an exception, whenever something goes wrong. Together, this allows the above code to be rewritten as follows.

ZnClient new
  enforceHttpSuccess: true;
  ifFail: [ :exception | 
              self inform: 'Cannot get numbers: ', exception printString ];
  get: ''.

Maybe it doesn't look like a big difference, but combined with some other options and features of ZnClient that we'll see later on, code does become more elegant and more reliable at the same time.

Dealing with networking reality

As a network protocol, HTTP is much more complicated than an ordinary message send. The famous Fallacies of Distributed Computing eloquently list the issues involved:

  • The network is reliable.
  • Latency is zero.
  • Bandwidth is infinite.
  • The network is secure.
  • Topology doesn't change.
  • There is one administrator.
  • Transport cost is zero.
  • The network is homogeneous.

Zn will signal various exceptions when things go wrong, at different levels. ZnClient and the underlying framework have constants, settings and options to deal with various aspects related to these issues.

Doing an HTTP request-response cycle can take an unpredictable amount of time. Client code has to specify a timeout, the maximum amount of time we are prepared to wait for a response, and be prepared for when that timeout is exceeded. The fact you don't get an answer within a specified timeout can mean that some networking component is extremely slow, but it could also mean that the server simply refuses to answer.

Setting the timeout directly on a ZnClient is the easiest.

ZnClient new
  timeout: 1; 
  get: ''. 

The timeout counts for each socket level connect, read and write operation, separately. You can dynamically redefine the timeout using the ZnConnectionTimeout DynamicVariable.

  value: 5 
  during: [ ^ ZnClient new get: '' ].

Zn defines its global default timeout in seconds as a setting.

ZnNetworkingUtils defaultSocketStreamTimeout.
ZnNetworkingUtils defaultSocketStreamTimeout: 60.

This setting affects most framework level operations, if nothing else is specified.

During the execution of HTTP, various network exceptions, as subclasses of NetworkError, might be thrown. These will all be caught by the #ifFail: block when installed.

To deal with temporary or intermittent network or server problems, ZnClient offers a retry protocol. You can set how many times a request should be retried and how many seconds to wait between retries.

ZnClient new
  numberOfRetries: 3;
  retryDelay: 2; 
  get: ''. 

In the above example, the request will be tried up to 3 times, with a 2 second delay between attempts. Note that the definition of failure/success is broad: it includes for example the option to enforce HTTP success.

Building URL's

Zn uses ZnUrl objects to deal with URLs. ZnClient also contains API to build URLs. Let us revisit our initial example, using explicit URL construction with the ZnClient API.

ZnClient new
  host: '';
  addPath: 'zn';
  addPath: 'small.html';

Instead of giving a string argument to be parsed into a ZnUrl, we now provide the necessary elements to construct the URL manually, by sending messages to our ZnClient object. With #http we set what is called the scheme. Then we set the hostname. Since we don't specify a port, the default port for HTTP will be used, port 80. Next we add path elements, extending the path one by one.

A URL can also contain query parameters. Let's do a Google search.

ZnClient new
  host: '';
  addPath: 'search';
  queryAt: 'q' put: 'Pharo Smalltalk';

Query parameters have a name and a value. Certain special characters have to be encoded. You can build the same URL with the ZnUrl object, in several ways.

ZnUrl new
  scheme: #http;
  host: '';
  port: 80;
  addPathSegment: 'search';
  queryAt: 'q' put: 'Pharo Smalltalk';

The printable representation of the URL is

This can easily be parsed again into a ZnUrl object

'' asZnUrl.
' Smalltalk' asZnUrl.

Note how the ZnUrl parser is forgiving with respect to the space, like most browser would do. When producing an external representation, proper encoding will take place. Please consult the class comment of ZnUrl for a more detailed look at the capabilities of ZnUrl as a standalone object.

ZnClient lifecycle

HTTP 1.1 defaults to keeping the client connection to a server open, and the server will do the same. This is useful and faster if you to issue more than one request. ZnClient implements this behavior by default.

Array streamContents: [ :stream | | client |
  client := ZnClient new url: ''.
  (1 to: 10) collect: [ :each | | url |
    url := '/random/', each asString.
    stream nextPut: (client path: url; get) ].
  client close ].

The above example sets up a client to connect to a specific host. Then it collects the results of 10 different requests, asking for random strings of a specific size. All request will go over the same network connection.

Neither party is required to keep the connection open for a long time, as this consumes resources. Both parties should be prepared to deal with connections closing, this is not an error. ZnClient will try to reuse an existing connection and reconnect once if this reuse fails. The option connectionReuseTimeout limits how old a connection can be for reuse to be attempted.

Note how we also close the client. A network connection is an external resource, like a file, that should be properly closed after use. If you don't do that, they will get cleaned up eventually by the system, but it is more efficient to do it yourself.

In many situations, you only want to do one single request. HTTP 1.1 has provisions for this situation. The beOneShot option of ZnClient will do just that.

ZnClient new
  get: ''.

With the beOneShot option, the client notifies the server that it will do just one request and both parties will consequently close the connection after use, automatically. An explicit close of the ZnClient object it no longer needed.

Basic Authentication

There are various techniques to add authentication, a mechanism to control who accesses which resources, to HTTP. This is orthogonal to HTTP itself. The simplest and most common form of authentication is called 'Basic Authentication'.

ZnClient new
  username: '[email protected]' password: 'trustno1';
  get: ''.

That is all there is to it. If you want to understand how this works, look at the implementation of ZnRequest>>#setBasicAuthenticationUsername:password:

Basic authentication over plain HTTP is insecure because it transfers your username/password combination obfuscated by encoding it using the trivial Base64 encoding. When used over HTTPS, basic authentication is secure though.

Note that when sending multiple requests while reusing the same client, authentication is reset for each request, to prevent the accidental transfer of sensitive data.

Beware that basic authentication is not the same as a web application where you have to log in using a form. See the subsection about cookies and sessions for an example of how this works.

Submitting HTML forms

In many web applications HTML forms are used. Examples are forms to enter a search string, a form with a username and password to log in or complicated registration forms. The classic, most common way this is implemented is by sending the data entered in the fields of a form to the server when a submit button is clicked. It is possible to implement the same behavior programmatically using ZnClient.

First you have to find out how the form is implemented by looking at the HTML code. Here is an example.

<form action="search-handler" method="POST" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
  Search for: <input type="text" name="search-field"/>
  <input type="submit" value="Go!"/>

This form shows one text input field, preceded by a 'Search for:' label and followed by a submit button with 'Go!' as label. Assuming this appears on a page with URL we can implement the behavior of the browser when the user clicks the button, submitting or sending the form data to the server.

ZnClient new
  url: '';
  formAt: 'search-field' put: 'Pharo Smalltalk';

The URL is composed by combining the URL of the page that contains the form with the action specified. The default form encoding is, as explicitly specified here, 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'. By using the #formAt:put: method to set the value of a field, an entity of type ZnApplicationFormUrlEncodedEntity will be created if needed, and the field name/value association will be stored in it. When finally #post is invoked, the HTTP request sent to the server will include a properly encoded entity. As far as the server is concerned, it will seems as if a real user submitted the form. Consequently, the response should be the same as when you submit the form manually using a browser. Be careful to include all relevant fields, even the hidden ones.

There is a second type of form encoding called 'multipart/form-data'. Instead of adding fields, you add ZnMimePart instances. The HTML form will specify a different enctype.

<form action="search-handler" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  Search for: <input type="text" name="search-field"/>
  <input type="submit" value="Go!"/>

The code to do the upload would then be as follows.

ZnClient new
  url: '';
  addPart: (ZnMimePart fieldName: 'search-field' value: 'Pharo Smalltalk');

In this case, an entity of type ZnMultiPartFormDataEntity is created and used. This type is often used in forms that upload files. Here is an example.

<form action="upload-handler" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-datad">
  Photo file: <input type="file" name="photo-file"/>
  <input type="submit" value="Upload!"/>

This would be the way to do the upload programmatically.

ZnClient new
  url: '';
  addPart: (ZnMimePart fieldName: 'photo-file' fileNamed: '/Pictures/cat.jpg');

Sometimes, the form's submit method is GET instead of POST, just send #get instead of #post to the client. Note that this technique of sending form data to a server is different than what happens with raw POST or PUT requests using a REST API. In a later subsection we will come back to this.

Cookies and sessions

HTTP is by design a stateless protocol: each request/response cycle is independent. This principle is crucial to the scalability of the internet. However, in web applications like a shopping cart in an online store, state is needed. During your interaction with the web application, the server needs to know that your request/responses are part of your session: you log in, you add items to your shopping cart and you finally check out and pay. It would be problematic if the server mixed the request/responses of different users.

The most commonly used technique to track state across different request/response cycles is the use of so called cookies. Cookies are basically key/value pairs connected to a specific server domain. Using a special header, the server asks the client to remember or update the value of a cookie for a domain. On subsequent requests to the same domain, the client will use a special header to present the cookie and its remembered value again to the server. Semantically, the server manages a variable's value on the client.

As we saw before, a ZnClient instance is essentially stateful. It not only tries to reuse a network connection but it also maintains a session using a ZnUserAgentSession object. One of the main functions of this session object is to manage cookies, just like your browser does. ZnCookie objects are held in a ZnCookieJar object inside the session object.

Cookie handling will happen automatically. This is a hypothetical example of how this might work, assuming a site where you have to log in before you are able to access a specific file.

  url: '';
  formAt: 'username' put: '[email protected]';
  formAt: 'password' put: 'trustno1';
  get: ''.

After the #post, the server will presumably set a cookie to acknowledge a successful login. When a specific file is next requested from the same domain, the client presents the cookie to prove the login. The server knows it can send back the file because it recognizes the cookie as valid. By sending #session to the client object, you can access the remembered cookies.


A regular request for a resource is done using a GET request. A GET request does not send an entity to the server. The only way for a GET request to transfer information to the server is by encoding it in the URL, either in the path or in query variables. To be 100% correct we should add that data can be sent as custom headers as well.

HTTP provides for two methods (or verbs) to send information to a server. These are called PUT and POST. They both send an entity to transfer data to the server.

In the subsection about submitting HTML forms we already saw how POST is used to send either a ZnApplicationFormUrlEncodedEntity or ZnMultiPartFormDataEntity containing structured data to a server.

Apart from that, it is also possible to send a raw entity to a server. Of course, the server needs to be prepared to handle this kind of entity coming in. Here are a couple of examples of doing a raw PUT and POST request.

ZnClient new
   put: '' contents:'Hello there!'.

ZnClient new
   post: '' contents: #[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]. 

ZnClient new
   entity: (ZnEntity 
              with: '<xml><object><id>42</id></object></xml>'
              type: ZnMimeType applicationXml);

In the last example we explicitly set the entity to be XML and do a POST. In the first two examples, the convenience contents system is used to automatically create a ZnStringEntity of type ZnMimeType textPlain and a ZnByteArrayEntity of type ZnMimeType applicationOctectStream.

The difference between PUT and POST is semantic. POST is generally used to create a new resource inside an existing collection or container, or to initiate some action or process. For this reason, the normal response to a POST request is to return the URL (or URI) of the newly created resource. Conventionally, the response will contain a 'Location' header accessible via #location and will often repeat that in the entity is sends back.

When a POST successfully created the resource, its HTTP response will be 201 Created. PUT is generally used to update an existing resource of which you know the exact URL (of URI). When a PUT is successful, its HTTP response will be just 200 OK and nothing else will be returned. In the subsection about REST Web Service APIs, we will come back to this.

DELETE and other HTTP methods

The fourth member of the common set of HTTP methods is DELETE. It is very similar to both GET and PUT: you just specify an URL of the resource that you want to delete or remove. When successful, the server will just reply with a 200 OK. That is all there is to it.

Certain HTTP based protocols, like WebDAV use even more HTTP methods. These can be specified explicitly using the #method: setter and the #execute operation.

ZnClient new
   url: '';
   method: #OPTIONS;

Since the OPTIONS request does not return an entity, but only meta data we access the response. Have a look at the 'Allow' header.

Content-types, mime-types and the accept header

Just because you ask for some resource which you think is of a certain mime-type, does not yet mean that is what you will get back. The people maintaining the server might have reconfigured things. The extension at the end of a URL has no real significance. Asking for , or could all be the same or all be different. That is why HTTP resources (entities) are accompanied by a content-type, a mime-type that is an official, cross-platform definition of a file or document type or format. Again, see the Wikepedia article Internet media type for more details.

Zn models mime-types using its ZnMimeType object which has 3 components

  • a main type, for example text or image
  • a sub type, for example plain or html, or jpeg, png or gif
  • a number of attributes, for example charset=utf-8

The class side of ZnMimeType has some convenience methods for accessing well known mime-types. Note that for textual (non-binary) types, the encoding defaults to UTF-8, the prevalent internet standard. Creating a ZnMimeType object is as easy as sending #asZnMimeType to a String.

ZnMimeType textHtml.
'text/html;charset=utf-8' asZnMimeType.

The subtype can be a wildcard, indicated by a '*'. This allows for matching.

ZnMimeType textHtml matches: ZnMimeType text.

With ZnClient you can set the accept request header to indicate what you as a client expect as well as enforce the fact that the server returns what you asked for.

ZnClient new
  enforceAcceptContentType: true;
  accept: ZnMimeType textPlain;
  get: ''.

The above code will tell the server that we want a 'text/plain' type resouce by means of the 'Accept' header. When the response comes back and it is not of that type, the client will raise a ZnUnexpectedContentType exception. Again, this will be handled by the #ifFail: block, when specified. This technique further improves your HTTP interaction.


Sometimes when requesting a URL, an HTTP server will not answer immediately but redirect you to another location. Seaside actually does this on each request. This is done with a 301 or 302 response code. You can ask a ZnResponse whether its a redirect with #isRedirect. In case of a redirect response, the 'Location' header will contain the location the server redirects you to. You can access that URL using #location.

By default, ZnClient will follow redirects automatically for up to 3 redirects. You won't even notice unless you activate logging.

If for some reason you want to disable this feature, send a #followRedirects: false to your client. To modify the maximum number of redirects that could be followed, use #maxNumberOfRedirects:.

Following redirects can be tricky when PUT or POST are involved. Zn implements the common behavior of changing a redirected PUT or POST into a GET while dropping the body entity. Cookies will be resubmitted. Zn also handles relative redirect URLs, although these are not strictly part of the standard.

ZnEasy, typing even less, accessing images as forms

Although ZnClient is absolutely the preferred object to deal with all the intricacies of HTTP, you sometimes wish you could to a quick HTTP request with an absolute minimum amount of typing, especially during debugging. For these occasions there is ZnEasy, a class side only API for quick HTTP requests.

ZnEasy get: ''.

The result is always a ZnResponse object. Apart from basic authentication, there are no other options. A nice feature here, more as an example, are some direct ways to ask for image resources as ready to use Forms.

ZnEasy getGif: ''.
ZnEasy getJpeg: ''.
ZnEasy getPng: ''.

(ZnEasy getPng: '',
  'a^2+b^2=c^2' encodeForHTTP) asMorph openInHand.

When you explore the implementation, you will notice that ZnEasy uses a ZnClient object internally.


HTTP meta data, both for requests and for responses, is specified using headers. These are key/value pairs, both strings. A large number of predefined headers exists, see this List of HTTP header fields. The exact semantics of each header, especially their value, can be very complicated.

Although headers are key/value pairs, they are more than a regular dictionary. There can be more values for the same key and keys are often written using a canonical capitalization, like 'Content-Type'.

ZnClient allows you to easily specify custom headers for which there is not yet a predefined accessor, which is most of them. At the framework level, ZnResponse and ZnRequest offer some more predefined accessors, as well as a way to set and query any custom header by accessing their headers sub object. The following are all equivalent:

ZnClient new accept: 'text/*'.
ZnClient new request setAccept: 'text/*'.
ZnClient new request headers at: 'Accept' put: 'text/*'. 
ZnClient new request headers at: 'ACCEPT' put: 'text/*'. 
ZnClient new request headers at: 'accept' put: 'text/*'. 

Once a request is executed, you can query the response headers like this

client response isConnectionClose.
(client response headers at: 'Connection' ifAbsent: [ '' ]) sameAs: 'close'.

There is also the option to bulk transfer any keyedCollection holding a set of key/value pairs.

Just the meta data, please

HTTP provides for a way to do a request, just like a regular GET but with a response that contains only the meta data, the status line and headers, but not the actual resource or entity. This is called a HEAD request.

ZnClient new 
  head: '';

Since there is no contents, we have to look at the response object. Note that the content-type and content-length headers will be set, as if there was an entity, although none is transferred.

Client options and policies

To handle its large set of options, ZnClient implements a uniform, generic option mechanism using the key methods #optionAt:put: and #optionAt:ifAbsent: (this last one always defines an explicit default), storing them lazily in a dictionary. The method category 'options' includes all accessor to actual settings.

Options are generally named after their accessor. An exception is #beOneShot. For example, the timeout option has a getter named #timeout and setter named #timeout: whose implementation defines its default

^ self 
    optionAt: #timeout
    ifAbsent: [ ZnNetworkingUtils defaultSocketStreamTimeout ]

The set of all option defaults defines the default policy of ZnClient. For certain scenarios, there are policy methods that set several options at once. The most useful one is called systemPolicy. It currently does the following.

   enforceHttpSuccess: true;
   enforceAcceptContentType: true;
   numberOfRetries: 2

This kind of behavior is good practice when system level code does an HTTP call.

Entity hierarchy

By now we used almost all concrete subclasses of ZnEntity:

  • ZnStringEntity
  • ZnByteArrayEntity
  • ZnApplicationFormUrlEncodedEntity
  • ZnMultiPartFormDataEntity
  • ZnStreamingEntity

Like all other fundamental Zn domain model objects, these can and are used both by client and servers. All ZnEntities have a content type (a mime-type) and a content length (in bytes). Their basic behavior is that they can be written to or read from a binary stream. All but the last one are classic, in-memory objects.

ZnStreamingEntity is special: it contains a read or write stream to be used once in one direction only. If you want to transfer a 10 Mb file, using a normal entity, this would result in the 10 Mb being taken into memory. With a streaming entity, a file stream is opened to the file, and the data is then copied using a buffer of a couple of tens of Kb. This is obviously more efficient. The limitation is that this only works if the exact size is known upfront. The subsection about streaming, uploading and downloading contains higher level examples of using ZnStreamingEntities.

Content readers and writers

As mentioned before, ZnMessages (ZnRequests and ZnResponses) can hold an optional ZnEntity as body. In the subsection about the ZnEntity hierarchy we saw that there are a couple of different types. But knowing that a ZnStringEntity has a content type of XML or JSON is not enough to interpret the data correctly.

You might need a parser to convert the representation to Smalltalk or a writer to convert Smalltalk into the proper representation. That is where the options #contentReader and #contentWriter are useful.

If the content reader is nil (the default), #contents will return the #contents of the response object, usually a String or ByteArray. To customize the content reader, you specify a block that will be given the incoming entity and that is then supposed to parse the incoming representation.

ZnClient new
  url: '';
  queryAt: 'address' put: '';
  accept: ZnMimeType applicationJson;
  contentReader: [ :entity | JSJsonParser parse: entity contents ];

In the above example, #get (which returns #contents) will no longer return a String containing JSON, but the Smalltalk dictionary that was encoded as JSON. BTW, the above example returns a country code, with central longitude/latitude coordinates, given an IP address. Note also that by using #systemPolicy in combination with an #accept: we handle most error cases before the content reader start doing its work, so it does no longer have to check for good incoming data. In any case, when the #contentReader throws an exception, it can be caught by the #ifFail: block.

Here is a simpler example just parsing lines of numbers. Note how we can be fairly sure that the result will be a collection of numbers that we can sum together.

(ZnClient new
   url: '';
   accept: ZnMimeType textPlain;
   contentReader: [ :entity | 
                       entity contents lines 
                         collect: [ :each | each asInteger ] ];
  get) sum.

If the content writer is nil (the default), #contents: will take a Smalltalk object and pass it to ZnEntity class' #with: instance creation method. This will create either a text/plain String entity or an application/octectstream ByteArray entity. You could further customize the entity by sending #contentType: with another mime type. Or you could completely skip the #contents: mechanism and supply your own entity to #entity:.

To customize the content writer, you specify a block that when given a Smalltalk object is then supposed to create and return an entity. Here is a theoretical example.

ZnClient new
  url: '';
  contentWriter: [ :numberCollection | 
                      ZnEntity text: 
                        (Character space join: 
                           (numberCollection collect: [ :each | each asString ])) ];
  contentReader: [ :entity | entity contents asNumber ];

Assuming there is an web service at where you can send numbers to, we send a whitespace separated list of numbers to its sum URI and expect a number back. Exceptions occuring in the content writer can be caught with the #ifFail: block.

Downloading and uploading

Often, you want to download a resource from some internet server and store its contents in a file. The well known curl and wget Unix utilities are often used to do this in scripts. There is a handy convenience method in ZnClient to do just that.

ZnClient new
  url: '';
  downloadTo: FileDirectory default pathName.

The example will download the URL and save it in a file named 'numbers.txt' next to your image. The argument to #downloadTo: is a path string, naming either a file or a directory. When it is a directory, the last component of the URL will be used to create a new file in that directory. When it is a file, that file will be used as given. Additionally, the #downloadTo: operation will use streaming so that a large file will not be taken into memory all at once, but will be copied in a loop using a buffer.

The inverse, uploading the raw contents of file, is just as easy using the #uploadEntityFrom: convenience method. Given a file path string, it will set the current request entity to be equal to a ZnStreamingEntity reading bytes from the named file. The content type will be set based on the file name extension, a guess. If needed you can next override that mime type using #contentType:. Here is a hypothetical example.

ZnClient new
  url: '';
  username: '[email protected]' password: 'asecret';
  uploadEntityFrom: (FileDirectory default / 'numbers.txt') pathName;

The contents of the file 'numbers.txt' will be upload using a POST to the URL specified, again using an efficient streaming copy.

Signalling progress

Some HTTP operations, particularly those involving large resources, might take some time, especially when slower networks or servers are involved. During interactive use, Pharo Smalltalk often indicates progress during operations that take a bit longer. ZnClient can do that too using the #signalProgess option. By default this is off. Here is an artificial example.

UIManager default informUserDuring: [ :bar |
  [ ^ ZnClient new
        signalProgress: true;
        get: '' ]
    on: HTTPProgress 
    do: [ :progress | bar value: progress printString. progress resume ] ]

Using If-Modified-Since

HTTP has several options to improve the overall web experience. One of them is a technique whereby a client that already requested a resource in the past, asks a server if that resource has been modified (i.e. is newer) since he last requested it. If so, the server will give a quick 304 Not Modified response without sending the resource over again. This is done by settings the If-Modified-Since header using #ifModifiedSince:. This works both for regular requests as well as for downloads.

ZnClient new
  url: '';
  ifModifiedSince: (Date year: 2011 month: 1 day: 1);
  downloadTo: FileDirectory default pathName.

ZnClient new
  url: '';
  setIfModifiedSince: (Date year: 2012 month: 1 day: 1);

For this to work, the server has to honor this particular protocol interaction, of course.

Proxy settings

In some networks you do not talk to internet web servers directly, but indirectly via a proxy. Such a proxy controls and regulates traffic. A proxy can improve performance by caching often used resources, but only if there is a sufficient hit rate.

Zn client functionality will automatically use the proxy settings defined in your Pharo image. The UI to set a proxy host, port, username or password can be found in the Settings browser under the Network category.

Accessing localhost will bypass the proxy. To find out more about Zn's usage of the proxy settings, start by browsing the 'proxy' method category of ZnNetworkingUtils.

Running a simple HTTP server

Getting an independent HTTP server up and running inside your Smalltalk image is surprisingly easy.

ZnServer startDefaultOn: 1701.

Don't just try this yet. To be able to see what is going on, it is better to try this with logging enabled.

(ZnServer defaultOn: 1701)

So we are starting an HTTP server listening on port 1701. Using a port below 1024 requires special OS level privileges, ports like 8080 might already be in use. Now visit http://localhost:1701 with your browser to see the Zn welcome page. Or you can try accessing the welcome page using Zn itself.

ZnClient new get: 'http://localhost:1701'.

On the Transcript you should see output related to the server's activities.

2012-05-10 13:09:10 879179 I Starting ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer HTTP port 1701
2012-05-10 13:09:10 580596 D Initializing server socket
2012-05-10 13:09:20 398924 D Executing request/response loop
2012-05-10 13:09:20 398924 I Read a ZnRequest(GET /)
2012-05-10 13:09:20 398924 T GET / 200 1195B 0ms
2012-05-10 13:09:20 398924 I Wrote a ZnResponse(200 OK text/html;charset=utf-8 1195B)
2012-05-10 13:09:20 398924 I Read a ZnRequest(GET /favicon.ico)
2012-05-10 13:09:20 398924 T GET /favicon.ico 200 318B 0ms
2012-05-10 13:09:20 398924 I Wrote a ZnResponse(200 OK image/ 318B)
2012-05-10 13:09:50 398924 D ConnectionTimedOut: Data receive timed out. while reading request
2012-05-10 13:09:50 398924 D Closing stream

You can see the server starting and initializing its server socket on which it listens for incoming connections. When a connection comes in, it starts executing its request-response loop. Then it gets a GET request for / (the home page), for which it answers a 200 OK response with 1195 bytes of HTML. The browser also asks for a favicon.ico, which the server supplies. The request-response loop is kept alive for some time and usually closes when the other end does. Although it looks like an error, it actually is normal, expected behavior.

Zn manages a default server to easy interactive experimentation. The default server also survives image save and restart cycles. All this makes it extra convenient to access the server object itself for further inspection or to stop the server.

ZnServer default.
ZnServer stopDefault.

The Transcript output will confirm what happens.

2012-05-10 13:14:20 580596 D Wait for accept timed out
2012-05-10 13:19:20 580596 D Wait for accept timed out
2012-05-10 13:19:42 879179 D Releasing server socket
2012-05-10 13:19:42 879179 I Stopped ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer HTTP port 1701

Due to its implementation, the server will print an 'Wait for accept timed out' debug notification every 5 minutes. Again, although it looks like an error, it is by design and normal, expected behavior.

Server delegate

An HTTP client sends a request and receives a response. An HTTP server receives a request and sends a response. They are each other's mirror. The fundamental Zn framework objects are used to implement both clients and servers.

The functional behavior of a ZnServer is defined by an object called its delegate. A delegate implements the key method #handleRequest: which gets the incoming request as parameter and has to produce a response as result. The delegate can reason purely in terms of a ZnRequest and a ZnResponse. The technical side of being an HTTP server, like the protocol itself, the networking and the (optional) multiprocessing, is handled by the server object. Here is the simplest possible delegate.

(ZnServer startDefaultOn: 1701)
   onRequestRespond: [ :request | 
      ZnResponse ok: (ZnEntity text: 'Hello World!') ]. 

Now go to http://localhost:1701 or do:

ZnEasy get: 'http://localhost:1701'.

This server does not even look at the incoming request. No matter what, it answers 200 OK with a text/plain string 'Hello World!'. The method #onRequestRespond: accepts a block taking a request and should produce a response. It is implemented using the helper object ZnValueDelegate, which converts #handleRequest: to #value: on a wrapped block.

To help in debugging a server, enabling logging is important to learn what is going on. You can also put breakpoints where ever you want. Interrupting a running server can sometimes be a bit hard or produce strange results since the server and its spawned handler subprocesses are different from the UI process.

When logging is enabled, the server will also keep track of the last request and response it processed. You can inspect these to find out what happened, even if there was no debugger raised.

The default server delegate

Out of the box, a ZnServer will have a certain functionality that is related to testing and debugging. This behavior is implemented by the ZnDefaultServerDelegate object. Assuming your server is running locally on port 1701, this is the list of URLs that are available.

The random handler normally returns 64 characters, you can specify your own size as well. For example, /random/1024 will respond with a 1Kb random string. The random pattern consists of hexadecimal digits and ends with a linefeed. The standard, slower UTF-8 encoding is used instead of the faster LATIN-1 encoding.

The bytes handler has a similar size option. Its output is in the form of a repeating BCDA pattern. When requesting equally sized byte patterns repeatably, some extra server side caching will improve performance.

The echo handler is used extensively by the unit tests. It not only lists the request headers as received by the server, but even the entity if there is one. In case of a non-binary entity, the textual contents will be included. This is really useful to debug PUT or POST requests.

Server authenticator

Like a delegate, a ZnServer also has an authenticator object whose functional job it is to authenticate requests. An authenticator has to implement the key #authenticateRequest:do: method whose first argument is the incoming request and second argument a block. This method has to produce a response, like #handleRequest: does. If the request is allowed, the block will be evaluated and produce a response. If the request is denied, the authenticator will generate a 401 Unauthorized response. One simple authenticator is available to add basic HTTP authentication.

(ZnServer startDefaultOn: 1701)
   authenticator: (ZnBasicAuthenticator username: 'admin' password: 'secret').

Now, when you try to visit the server at http://localhost:1701 you will have to provide a username and password.

ZnEasy get: 'http://localhost:1701' username: 'admin' password: 'secret'.
ZnEasy get: 'http://localhost:1701'.

Using ZnBasicAuthenticator or implementing an alternative is but one of several possibilities to the problem of adding security to a web site or web application.


Log output consists of an arbitrary message preceded by a number of fixed fields. Here is an example of a server log.

2012-05-10 13:09:10 879179 I Starting ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer HTTP port 1701
2012-05-10 13:09:10 580596 D Initializing server socket
2012-05-10 13:09:20 398924 D Executing request/response loop
2012-05-10 13:09:20 398924 I Read a ZnRequest(GET /)
2012-05-10 13:09:20 398924 T GET / 200 1195B 0ms
2012-05-10 13:09:20 398924 I Wrote a ZnResponse(200 OK text/html;charset=utf-8 1195B)

The first two fields are the date and time in a fixed sized format. The next number is a fixed sized hash of the process ID. Note how 3 different processes are involved: the one starting the server (probably the UI process), the actual server listening process, and the client worker process spawned to handle the request. Finally, the single capital letter indicates the category. After these fields, the actual message is printed.

Both ZnClient and ZnServer implement logging using a similar mechanism based on the announcements framework. ZnLogEvents are subclasses of Announcement sent by an HTTP server or client containing logging information. A log event has a TimeStamp, a Process ID, a category and a message. The following categories are used: #info (I), #debug (D) and #transaction (T).

To help in the implementation, a ZnLogSupport object is used. A hierarchy of listeners under ZnLogListener can then be used to process log events. Log listeners feature a filtering mechanism. The following concrete listeners are provided.

  • ZnTranscriptLogger
  • ZnFileLogger
  • ZnStandardOutputLogger
  • ZnMemoryLogger

To log something, send #info: #debug: or #transaction: to the log support object of a client or server (accessible by #log). The argument can be either a string or a block that will only be executed when logging is actually enabled.

server log info: [ 'User ', self getUsername, ' logged in.' ].

The Zn logging mechanism is using an internal lock to make it thread safe, but it does serialize logging by multiple processes. It is important to make the time spent inside the log block short and non blocking.

You can customize a listener before adding it to a log support. The following example asks the default server to log just transaction events to a file named 'zn.log', next to your image.

| logger |
logger := ZnFileLogger onFileNamed: (FileDirectory default / 'zn.log') pathName.
logger filter: #transaction.   
ZnServer default log addListener: logger.

Server management

Servers instances can be started and stopped using #start and #stop. By registering a server instance, by sending it #register, it becomes managed. That means it will now survive image save and restart. This only happens automatically with the #default server, for other server instances you have to enable it manually.

The main parameter a server needs is the port on which it will listen. Additionally, you can restrict the network interface the server should listen on by setting its #bindingAddress: to some IP address. The default, nil or #[0 0 0 0], means to listen on all interfaces. With an argument of #[127 0 0 0], the server will not respond to request over its normal network, but only to request coming from the same host. This is often used to increase security while proxying.

Server variants

The class side of ZnServer is actually a facade to instantiate a particular concrete ZnServer subclass, as can be seen in #defaultServerClass. The hierarchy looks as follows.

  + ZnSingleThreadedServer
     + ZnMultiThreadedServer
        + ZnManagedMultiThreadedServer

ZnServer is an abstract class. ZnSingleThreadedServer implements the core server functionality. It runs in one single process, which means it can only handle one request at a time. This one is easier to understand and debug. ZnMultiThreadedServer spawns a new process on each incoming request, possibly handling multiple request/response cycles on the same connection. ZnManagedMultiThreadedServers keeps explicit track of which connections are alive so that they can be stopped when the server stops instead of letting them die out.

Static file server

When most people think about a web server, they see a directory full of HTML, image, CSS, and other files, somewhere on a machine, with the web server serving these files over HTTP to web browser clients anywhere on the network. This is indeed what Apache does in its most basic form. Technically this is called static file serving.

Zn can do this by using the ZnStaticFileServerDelegate object. Given a directory and an optional prefix, this delegate will serve all files it finds in that directory.

(ZnServer startDefaultOn: 1701)
   delegate: (ZnStaticFileServerDelegate new
                directory: (FileDirectory on: '/var/www');
                prefixFromString: 'static-files';

If we suppose the contents of /var/www is

  • index.html
  • small.html

You can access these files with these URLs

The prefix is added in front of all files being served, the actual directory where the files reside is of course invisible to the end web user. You do not have to specify a prefix, then the files will be served directly.

Note how all other URLs result in a 404 Not found. ZnStaticFileServerDelegate is very simple, but it does have a couple of capabilities. It will do what most people expect with respect to directories.

The first URL above will result in a redirect to the second. The second URL will look for either an index.html or index.htm file and serve that. Automatic generation of an index page when there is no index file is not implemented.

As a static file server, the following features are implemented:

  • automatic determination of the content mime-type based on the file extension
  • correct setting of the content length based on the file length
  • usage of streaming
  • addition of correct modification date based on the file's last modification date
  • correct reaction to the if-modified-since protocol
  • optional expiration and caching control

Here is a more complex setup.

(ZnServer startDefaultOn: 1701)
   delegate: (ZnStaticFileServerDelegate new
                directory: (FileDirectory on: '/var/www');
                mimeTypeExpirations: ZnStaticFileServerDelegate 
   authenticator: (ZnBasicAuthenticator username: 'admin' password: 'secret').

In the above example, we add the optional expiration and caching control based on default settings. Note that it is easy to combine static file serving with logging and authentication.

Monticello repository server

An other, interesting, proof of concept example is ZnMonticelloServerDelegate. It allows you to run your own Smalltalk source code repository. You can try it as follows.

(ZnServer startDefaultOn: 1701)
   delegate: (ZnMonticelloServerDelegate new
                directory: (FileDirectory on: '/Users/sven/Tmp/monticello');

Now create an MCHttpRepository pointing to your own server.

  location: 'http://localhost:1701'
  user: ''
  password: ''.

It should work just like any other repository, although it is for package storage only. What makes this example interesting is that implements 3 different kinds of requests:

  • list the repository, a GET for /
  • get a version, a GET for a specific file
  • store a version, a PUT of a specific file


Dispatching or routing is HTTP application server speak for deciding what part of your software will handle an incoming request. This decision can be made on any of the properties of the request: the HTTP method, the URL or part of it, the query parameters, the meta headers and the entity body. Different applications will prefer different kinds of solutions to this problem.

Zinc HTTP Components is a general framework that offers you all the necessary components to build your own dispatcher. Out of the box, there are the different delegates that we discussed before. Most of these have hand coded dispatching in their #handleRequest: method.

ZnDefaultServerDelegate uses a prefix map internally that maps URI prefixes to internal methods. But it can be customized by installing a block as the value to a prefix, which accepts the request and produces a response. Here is an example of using that capability.

| staticFileServerDelegate |

ZnServer startDefaultOn: 8080.

(staticFileServerDelegate := ZnStaticFileServerDelegate new)
   prefixFromString: 'zn'; 
   directory: (FileDirectory on: '/home/ubuntu/zn').

ZnServer default delegate prefixMap 
  at: 'zn' 
  put: [ :request | staticFileServerDelegate handleRequest: request ];
  at: 'redirect-to-zn'
  put: [ :request | ZnResponse redirect: '/zn/index.html' ];
  at: '/'
  put: 'redirect-to-zn'.

This is taken from the configuration of what runs at A static web server is set up under the 'zn' prefix pointing to the '/home/ubuntu/zn' directory. The prefix map of the default delegate is kept as is, with its standard functionality, but is modified, such that

  • anything with a 'zn' prefix is directly forwarded to the static file server
  • a special 'redirect-to-zn' prefix is set up which will issue a redirect to '/zn/index.html'
  • the default / handler is linked to 'redirect-to-zn' instead of the default #welcome:

Another option is to use ZnDispatcherDelegate.

(ZnServer startDefaultOn: 9090)
   delegate: (ZnDispatcherDelegate new 
                map: '/hello' 
                to: [ :request :response | 
                         response entity: (ZnEntity html: '<h1>hello there</h1>') ]).

You configure the dispatcher using #map:to: methods. First argument is the prefix, second argument is a block taking two arguments: the incoming request and an already instantiated response.

Seaside adaptor

Seaside is a well known, cross platform, advanced Smalltalk web application framework. It does not provide its own HTTP server but relies on an existing one by means of an adaptor. It does work well with Zn, through the use of a ZnZincServerAdaptor. You can load it with the Zinc-Seaside package, but is also comes already included with certain Seaside distributions. In fact, on Pharo Smalltalk it is the default.

Starting this adaptor can be done using the Seaside Control panel in the normal way. Alternatively, the adaptor can be started programmatically.

ZnZincServerAdaptor startOn: 8080.

All this is covered in the standard Seaside documentation.

Since Seaside does its own character conversions, the Zn adaptor is configured to work in binary mode for maximum efficiency. There is complete support for POST and PUT requests with entities in form URL, multipart or raw encoding.

There is even a special adaptor that combines being a Seaside adaptor with static file serving, which is useful if you don't like the WAFileLibrary machinery and prefer plain static files served directly.

ZnZincStaticServerAdaptor startOn: 8080 andServeFilesFrom: '/var/www/'.

Character encoding

Proper character encoding and decoding is crucial in today's international world. Pharo Smalltalk encodes characters and strings using Unicode. The primary internet encoding is UTF-8, but a couple of others are used as well. To translate between these two, a concrete ZnCharacterEncoding subclass like ZnUTF8Encoder is used.

ZnCharacterEncoding is an extension and reimplementation of regular TextConverter. It only works on binary input and generated binary output. It adds the ability to compute the encoded length of a source character, a crucial operation for HTTP. It is more correct and will throw proper exceptions when things go wrong.

Character encoding is mostly invisible. Here are some code snippets using the encoders directly, feel free to substitute any Unicode character to make the test more interesting.

| encoder string |
encoder := ZnUTF8Encoder new.
string := 'any Unicode'.
self assert: (encoder decodeBytes: (encoder encodeString: string)) equals: string.
encoder encodedByteCountForString: string.

Resource protection limits

Internet facing HTTP servers will come under attack by malicious clients. Good security is thus important. The first step is a correct and safe implementation of the HTTP protocol. One way a server protects itself is by implementing some resource limits.

Zinc HTTP Components currently implements and enforces the following limits, most of them are hard constants.

  • maximumLineLength (4Kb) which impact mainly the size of a header pair
  • maximumEntitySize (16Mb) size of incoming entities, can be modified
  • maximumNumberOfDictionaryEntries (256) used in headers, urls and some entities

Content and transfer encoding

Zn implements two important techniques that are used by HTTP servers when they send entity bodies to clients. Gzip encoding and chunked transfer encoding. The first one adds compression. The second one is used when the size of an entity is not known up front. Instead chunks of certain sizes are sent until the entity is complete.

All this is handled internally and invisibly. The main object dealing with content and transfer encoding is ZnEntityReader. When necessary, the binary socket stream is wrapped with either a ZnChunkedReadStream and/or a GZipReadStream. Zn also makes use of a ZnLimitedReadStream to make sure there is no read beyond the boundaries of one single request's body, provided the content length is set.

REST Web Services

Zn is well suited to the implementation of REST web services, both the client and the server parts. REST or Representational State Transfer is an architectural style most easily described as using HTTP verbs and URIs to deal with encoded resources. Some kind of framework is needed to successfully implement a non-trivial REST service. There is one available in the Zinc-REST-Server package, for example. Here we will implement a very small, simplified example by hand, for educational purposes.

The service will allow arbitrary JSON objects to be stored on the server, each identified by an URI allocated by the server. Here is the REST API exposed by the server.

  • GET / - returns a list of all known stored object URIs
  • GET /n - returns the JSON object known under URI /n
  • POST / - creates a new entry with JSON as contents, returns the new URI
  • PUT /n - updates (replaces) the contents of an existing JSON object known under URI /n
  • DELETE /n - remove the JSON object known under URI /n

A proper implementation should best use a couple of classes, depending on how far you want to go. The following implementation is written in a workspace, not using any classes. Start by creating one global variable to hold the objects. This will be a standard dictionary mapping string URIs to objects.

JSONStore := Dictionary new.

The server implementation uses two helper objects: a jsonEntityBuilder and a mapper. Both make use of block closures.

| jsonEntityBuilder mapper |

jsonEntityBuilder := [ :object |
        with: ((String streamContents: [ :stream |
                    STON jsonWriter on: stream; prettyPrint: true; nextPut: object.
                    stream cr ])
                        replaceAll: Character cr with: Character lf)
        type: ZnMimeType applicationJson ]. 

mapper := {

    [ :request | 
        request uri isSlash and: [ request method = #GET ] ]
    [ :request | 
        ZnResponse ok: (jsonEntityBuilder value: JSONStore keys asArray) ].

    [ :request |
        (request uri hasPath and: [ request method = #GET ])
            and: [ request uri pathSegments size = 1 ] ]
    [ :request | | uri |
        uri := request uri pathPrintString.
            at: uri
            ifPresent: [ :object | ZnResponse ok: (jsonEntityBuilder value: object) ]
            ifAbsent: [ ZnResponse notFound: uri ] ].

    [ :request | 
        (request uri isSlash and: [ request method = #POST ])
            and: [ request contentType = ZnMimeType applicationJson ] ]
    [ :request | | uri |
        uri := '/', (JSONStore size + 1) asString.
        JSONStore at: uri put: (STON fromString: request contents).
        (ZnResponse created: uri)
            entity: (jsonEntityBuilder value: 'Created ', uri);
            yourself ].

    [ :request |
        ((request uri hasPath and: [ request method = #PUT ])
            and: [ request uri pathSegments size = 1 ])
                and: [ request contentType = ZnMimeType applicationJson ] ]
    [ :request | | uri |
        uri := request uri pathPrintString.
        (JSONStore includesKey: uri)
            ifTrue: [
                JSONStore at: uri put: (STON fromString: request contents).
                ZnResponse ok: (jsonEntityBuilder value: 'Updated') ]
            ifFalse: [ ZnResponse notFound: uri ] ].

    [ :request |
        (request uri hasPath and: [ request method = #DELETE ])
            and: [ request uri pathSegments size = 1 ] ]
    [ :request | | uri |
        uri := request uri pathPrintString.
        (JSONStore removeKey: uri ifAbsent: [ nil ])
            ifNil: [ ZnResponse notFound: uri ]
            ifNotNil: [ ZnResponse ok: (jsonEntityBuilder value: 'Deleted') ] ].


(ZnServer startDefaultOn: 1701)
    onRequestRespond: [ :request |
        (mapper detect: [ :each | each key value: request ] ifNone: [ nil ])
            ifNil: [ ZnResponse badRequest: request ]
            ifNotNil: [ :handler |
                handler value value: request ] ].

The mapper is a dynamically created array of associations (not a dictionary). Each association consists of two blocks. The first block is a condition: it tests a request and returns true when it matches. The second block is a handler that is evaluated with the incoming request to produce a response, if and only if the first condition matched.

The associations in the mapper follow exactly the list of the REST API as shown earlier. The server is set up with a block based delegate using the #onRequestRepond: method. Again, a more object oriented implementation would use a proper delegate object here, but for this example, the block is clearer.

The server logic thus becomes: find a matching entry in the mapper and invoke it. If no matching entry is found, we have a bad request. Error handling is of course rather limited in this small example.

The jsonEntityBuilder block helps in transforming Smalltalk objects to a JSON entity. We use the Smalltalk Object Notation STON writer and reader here because it is backwards compatible with JSON. Note that to be JSON compatible, only Arrays and Dictionaries should be used. We use linefeeds to improve compatibility with internet conventions as well as pretty printing to help human interpretation of the data.

Here is a command line session using the Unix utility curl, interacting with our server.

$ curl http://localhost:1701/ 
[ ]

$ curl -X POST -d '[1,2,3]' -H'Content-type:application/json' http://localhost:1701/
"Created /1"

$ curl http://localhost:1701/1

$ curl -X POST -d '{"bar":-2}' -H'Content-type:application/json' http://localhost:1701/
"Created /2"

$ curl http://localhost:1701/2
    "bar" : -2

$ curl -X PUT -d '{"bar":-1}' -H'Content-type:application/json' http://localhost:1701/2
"Updated /2"

$ curl http://localhost:1701/2
    "bar" : -1

$ curl http://localhost:1701/ 

$ curl -X DELETE http://localhost:1701/2
"Deleted /2"

$ curl http://localhost:1701/2
Not Found /2

It is trivial to use ZnClient to have the same interaction. But we can do better: using a contentWriter and contentReader, we can customise the client to do the JSON conversions automatically.

| client |

client := ZnClient new
    url: 'http://localhost:1701';
    enforceHttpSuccess: true;
    accept: ZnMimeType applicationJson;
    contentWriter: [ :object | 
            with: (String streamContents: [ :stream |
                        STON jsonWriter on: stream; nextPut: object ])
            type: ZnMimeType applicationJson ];
    contentReader: [ :entity |
        STON fromString: entity contents ];

Now we can hold the same conversation as above, only in this case in terms of real Smalltalk objects.

 client get: '/'
 ==>> #()

 client post: '/' contents: #(1 2 3)
 ==>> 'Created /1'

 client get: '/1'
 ==>> #(1 2 3)

 client post: '/' contents: (Dictionary with: #bar -> -2)
 ==>> 'Created /2'

 client put: '/2' contents: (Dictionary with: #bar -> -1) 
 ==>> 'Updated /2'

 client get: '/2'
 ==>> a Dictionary('bar'->-1 )

 client get: '/'
 ==>> #('/1' '/2')

 client delete: '/2'
 ==>> 'Deleted /2'

 client get: '/2'
 ==>> throws a ZnHttpUnsuccessful exception

This rather long example concludes the HTTP chapter. Zinc HTTP Components was written with the explicit goal of allowing users to explore the implementation. The tests suite contains many examples that can serve as learning material.