This project adheres to Semantic Versioning. Notable changes to this project will be documented in this file for which the format is based on Keep a Changelog.
1.2.2 — 2018-06-12
returning a rejected promise due to a "Server can't set maximum open files" error
1.2.1 — 2018-06-07
- Update dev dependencies
- coveralls 3.0.1
- eslint 4.19.1
- mocha 5.2.0
- nyc 12.0.2
- remark-lint 6.0.2
- remark-preset-lint-recommended 3.0.2
- Support for Node.js versions not designated as LTS
- npm audit found 15 vulnerabilities (4 low, 9 moderate, 2 high)
returning a rejected promise due to a "Server can't set maximum open files" error
1.2.0 — 2018-02-07
- Change log entries for releases prior to 1.0.0
- Add support for Redis 4.0
- Change log format based on
- Update dependencies
- promise-queue 2.2.5
- Update dev dependencies
- chai 4.1.2
- coveralls 3.0.0
- eslint 4.17.0
- mocha 5.0.0
- remark-cli 5.0.0
- remark-preset-lint-recommended 3.0.1
- Change test framework from istanbul to nyc
- Update test matrix; remove Node.js v5 and v7; add Node.js v9
errors appear when some tests fail#open()
returning an unresolved promise due to "Can't chdir to '...': No such file or directory" errors
1.1.0 — 2017-01-07
- Change log
- “opening” and “closing” events
- Update dev dependencies
- eslint 3.13.0
not set totrue
when a server is closing due to a start-up error
1.0.0 — 2017-01-05
- Code coverage: 100% ✨
- Lint JavaScript with eslint
not working withRedisServer~Config#conf
race conditions- Callbacks not receiving arguments
when an error is thrown in a callback
0.4.0 — 2016-12-05
- Support for
) - Lint markdown with remark
0.3.0 — 2016-12-02
return aPromise
- Accept port as a string or number
- Process EventEmitter memory leak
- Errors when calling
0.2.0 — 2016-11-26
- MIT License
- Code coverage report
- Support for a Redis server binary path (
) - Support for a Redis configuration file path (
) - Lint JavaScript with jshint
- “open”, “close”, and “stdout” events
0.1.0 — 2016-11-26
- CI build testing and status report
- Refactor ES5 to ES6
- Support for Node.js versions below 4.0.0
0.0.3 — 2016-04-30
- Use port number 6379 when the constructor argument
is undefined
0.0.2 — 2016-04-25
- Support for Node.js >= 0.10.0
0.0.1 — 2014-05-06
- Initial release