This project adheres to Semantic Versioning. Notable changes to this project will be documented in this file for which the format is based on Keep a Changelog.
- Replace
for testing - Update dependencies
- promise-queue 2.2.5
- Update dev dependencies
- chai 4.1.2
- coveralls 3.0.1
- eslint 4.19.1
- fs-promise 2.0.3
- js-yaml 3.12.0
- mocha 5.2.0
- remark-cli 5.0.0
- remark-preset-lint-recommended 3.0.2
- uuid 3.2.1
- Support for Node.js versions not designated as LTS
2.0.0 - 2017-01-17
- Support for NPM install
- Lint markdown with remark
1.0.0 — 2017-01-16
- Changelog
- “stdout” event not emitted for stderr
0.2.0 — 2017-01-08
- Support for
0.1.0 — 2017-01-08
- Support for
) - “open” and “close” events
- Update dev dependencies
- eslint 3.13.0
- Errors when calling
0.0.1 — 2016-12-24
- Initial release