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244 lines (195 loc) · 8.44 KB

Authors: Brignone Giovanni, Daniele Noemi

Date: 24/03/2020

Version: 1

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EZGas is a crowdsourcing service that allows users to:

  • collect prices of fuels in different gas stations
  • locate gas stations in an area, along with the prices they practice.


Stakeholder name Description
Administrator Check data correctness
Customer They are interested in gas stations data and they generate the data

Context Diagram and interfaces

Context Diagram

left to right direction
actor Administrator as a
actor Customer as b
actor OpenStreetMaps as c
a -- (EZGas)
b -- (EZGas)
(EZGas) -- c


Actor Logical Interface Physical Interface
Administrator GUI Screen, keyboard, Internet connection
Customer GUI Screen, keyboard, Internet connection

Stories and personas

Customers need to find the nearest gas station with the lowest price. Customers help each other sharing prices offered by gas stations they are in.

Administrator wants to check data inserted by customers is reliable, before making it available to other users.

Functional and non functional requirements

Functional Requirements

ID Description
FR1 Share current gas station fuel price
FR2 Review data inserted by customers
FR3 Set search filters such as distance and price
FR4 Find current location
FR5 Fetch gas stations locations and their current prices satisfying search filters
FR6 Display list of gas stations on the map

Non Functional Requirements

ID Type Description Refers to
NFR1 Usability Application should be used with no training by customers FR1, FR3-6
NFR2 Usability Application should be used with 2 hours training by administrator FR2
NFR3 Performance FR1-3 should complete in < 0.5 sec; FR4-6 should complete in < 3 sec All FR
NFR4 Portability The application runs on web browsers and Android/iOS smartphones All FR
NFR5 Privacy Data should be uploaded anonymously FR1
NFR6 Localisation Decimal numbers use . (dot) as decimal separator
NFR7 Localisation Fuel prices are expressed in €/l (euros per liter)

Scenarios, use case diagram and use cases

Relevant scenarios

Scenario 1: Update gas station fuel's price - success

Scenario ID: SC1 Corresponds to FR1-2
Description User shares updated data of a gas station
Precondition Gas station S current price has changed
Postcondition Gas station price and last update time are updated
Step# Step description
1 Customer C selects gas station S
2 Customer C inserts current fuel price
3 After being notified administrator checks new data reliability
4 Accepted data is used to update gas station S data
5 Updated data is available to all users

Scenario 2: Update gas station fuel's price - fail

Scenario ID: SC2 Corresponds to FR1-2
Description User shares updated data of a gas station
Precondition Gas station S current price has changed
Postcondition Gas station price and last update time are updated
Step# Step description
1 Customer C selects gas station S
2 Customer C inserts current fuel price
3 After being notified administrator checks new data reliability
4 Administrator discards data (possible causes: inconsistency with previous data, wrong data... )

Scenario 3: User looks for a gas station - success

Scenario ID: SC3 Corresponds to FR3-6
Description Customer C searches for a gas station S
Precondition Customer C has a device with GPS module
Postcondition Customer C gets the list of available gas stations according to the filters
Step# Step description
1 Customer C sets search filters S
2 Customer C location is retrieved
3 Gas stations are searched for, according to customer location and filters
4 Customer C gets the list S of corresponing stations
5 The list S is displayed on the map

Scenario 4: User looks for a gas station - empty list

Scenario ID: SC3 Corresponds to FR3-6
Description Customer C searches for a gas station S
Precondition Customer C has a device with GPS module
Postcondition Customer C gets the list of available gas stations according to the filters
Step# Step description
1 Customer C sets search filters S
2 Customer C location is retrieved
3 Gas stations are searched for, according to customer location and filters
4 The result list S is empty
5 Repeat steps from 1 to 3, changing filters

Use case diagram

left to right direction
actor Administrator as a
actor Customer as b
actor OpenStreetMaps as c
skinparam packageStyle rectangle
rectangle system{
	b --> (UC1 - Share current gas station \n fuel price)
	b --> (UC2 - Get list of gas stations)
	(UC1 - Share current gas station \n fuel price) .> (FR1 Share current gas station \n fuel price) :include
	(FR1 Share current gas station \n fuel price) --> a
	(FR2 Review data inserted \n by customers) <-- a
	(UC1 - Share current gas station \n fuel price) .> (FR2 Review data inserted \n by customers) :include
	(UC2 - Get list of gas stations) .> (FR3 Set search filters such \n as distance and price) :include
	(UC2 - Get list of gas stations) .> (FR4 Find current location) :include
	(UC2 - Get list of gas stations) .> (FR5 Fetch gas stations locations \n and their current prices \n satisfying search filters) :include
	(UC2 - Get list of gas stations) .> (FR 6 - Display list of gas stations on the map) :include
	c --> (FR 6 - Display list of gas stations on the map)

Use Cases

Use case 1, UC1: SC1-2 Share current gas station fuel price

Actors Involved Customer and administrator
Precondition Gas station S exists, customer C exists
Post condition New data D.price = new_price
D.last_update = curr_time
D.station =
Nominal Scenario Customer selectes gas station S, inserts fuel price new_price. curr_time is automatically retrieved from device. Administrator is notified about the new data availability and accept or discard it

Use case 2, UC2: SC3-4 Get list of gas stations

Actors Involved Customer
Precondition Customer C exists
Post condition List S of gas stations
Nominal Scenario Customer C inserts filters about distance and price, and the application returns the list of gas stations satisfying the filters, using his current user's position


class EZGas
class Customer {
+ location

class Administrator {

class Station {
+ id
+ price
+ last_updated
+ location

class Data {
+ station
+ price
+ time

class Map {

EZGas -- "*" Customer
EZGas -- "*" Administrator
EZGas -- "*" Station
Customer -- "*" Data: creates >
Station "1" --  Data : refers to <
Map -- "*" Station

Deployment Diagram

As a stand-alone application only one node is needed.

artifact "EZGas application" as a
node "Personal Computer" as n
node "Smartphone" as s
a -- n
a -- s