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Official Requirements Document

Authors: Alessandro Borione

Date: 24/03/2020

Version: 1



EZGas is a mobile application that enables drivers and riders to share information about gas stations and the price they practice, allowing for a fast search of the area for the best deals!


Stakeholder name Description
Map Provides APIs to show map on screen
Contributors Use the app to insert in the system prices of fuel in different gas stations. Has credentials to log in
Users Use the application to find the best deal in terms of cost/distance for gas.

Context Diagram and interfaces

Context Diagram

left to right direction
actor Map as m
m -- (EZGas)

actor User as u
u -- (EZGas)

actor Contributor as c
c -- (EZGas)


Actor Logical Interface Physical Interface
Map API Internet
Contributor GUI Smartphone touchscreen
User GUI Smartphone touchscreen

Stories and personas

Mike loves to travel the country riding his truster motorbike. In doing so, he often finds himself ith an almost empty tank, and no knowledge of the nearby gas stations. He opens EZGas on his phone mounted on the bike and travels to the nearest gas station following the directions given by the app. He can also compare the different prices and chose the cheaper one, since traveling is an expensive hobby per se.

Functional and non functional requirements

Functional Requirements

ID Description
FR1 Select one of the nearby gas stations
FR1.1 Get location from GPS Sensor
FR1.2 Get map tiles from map system
FR1.3 Get gas stations data from server
FR2 Give directions updating in real time to reach the gas station selected in FR1
FR3 Create new account for Contributor with unique email and password
FR4 Log in Contributor with correct email and password
FR5 Insert new prices for a gas station not yet in the system
FR6 Update prices of a gas station previously inserted in the system
FR7 Delete a gas station with all his listed prices if it has closed
FR8 Log out

Non Functional Requirements

ID Type (iso 9126) Description Refers to
NFR1 Usability Application should be usable after a quick tutorial prompted the first time only All FRs
NFR2 Portability The application should run under both Android and iOS All FRs
NFR3 Functionality All functions should complete (success or error) in under 0.5 second All FRs
NFR4 Prices are shown in the currency used in the country FR1.3, FR5, FR6

Use case diagram and use cases

Use case diagram


left to right direction
actor User as u
actor Contributor as c
actor Map as m

rectangle System {
    u --> (FR1 Select one of the nearby gas stations)
    (FR1 Select one of the nearby gas stations) ..> (FR1.1 Get location) :include
    (FR1 Select one of the nearby gas stations) ..> (FR1.2 Get mapa data) :include
    (FR1 Select one of the nearby gas stations) ..> (FR1.3 Get gas stations data) :include
    (FR1.2 Get mapa data) --> m
    u --> (FR2 Give directions to gas station)
    (FR2 Give directions to gas station) ..> (FR1.1 Get location) :include
    (FR2 Give directions to gas station)..> (FR1.2 Get mapa data) :include
    u --> (FR3 Create account)
    c --> (FR4 Log in)
    c --> (FR5 Insert new gas station with prices)
    (FR5 Insert new gas station with prices) ..> (FR1.1 Get location) :include
    c --> (FR6 Update prices of existing gas station)
    c --> (FR7 Delete existing gas station)
    c --> (FR8 Log out)


Use Cases

###Use case 1, UC1 - FR1, FR2 Select one of the nearby gas stations and show directions to reach it

Actors Involved User, Map
Pre Conditions Position P is valid, Gas Stations G exist in 20 km radius from P
Post Condition P == G.position
Nominal Scenario User selects one of the visible gas stations, selects Start button, follows directions given by app to reach destination
Variants User takes wrong road, recompute directions

###Use case 2, UC2 - FR3 Create new account

Actors Involved User
Pre Conditions User has a valid email address E, User has a strong password P
Post Condition User can log in with E and P (gains Contributor privileges)
Nominal Scenario User inserts E and P when prompted
Variants E already used to register, abort
P is not a strong password, abort

###Use Case 3, UC3 - FR4, FR5 Log in and insert new gas stations

Actors Involved Contributor
Pre Conditions Position P is valid, Contributor is not logged in
Post Conditions FR1 shows new Gas Station G, where G.position == P
Nominal Scenario Contributor inserts credential to log in, selects Add button, inserts fuel prices in form, submits
Variants Wrong credentials, retry
Form submitted empty, abort

###Use Case 4, UC4 - FR6 Update gas station prices

Actors Involved Contributor, Map
Pre Conditions Position P is valid, Gas Stations G exist in 20 km radius from P
Post Condition != G.prices.pre
Nominal Scenario Contributor selects G on map, selects Edit button, updates prices, submits
Variants Form submitted empty, abort

###Use Case 5, UC5 - FR7 Delete gas station

Actors Involved Contributor, Map
Pre Conditions Position P is valid, Gas Station G exist in 20 km radius from P
Post Condition FR1 doesn't show G anymore
Nominal Scenario Contributor selects G on map, selects Delete button, submits

Relevant Scenarios

Scenario 1

Scenario ID: SC1 Corresponds to UC1
Description User decides to go to gas station G from current position P
Pre Condition distance(P, G) < 20Km
Post Sondition distance(P, G) <= 20m
Step# Step description
1 App shows gas station on map on a 20Km radius
2 User selects G
3 Uses presses Start
4 App retrieves list of directions from Map service
5 App shows next direction
6 Users moves to indicated location
Repeat steps 5 and 6 until reached G

Scenario 2

Scenario ID: SC2 Corresponds to UC3
Description Contributor wants to add a new gas station G to the system
Pre Condition Contributor is phisically in G
Post Condition New gas station added to the system
Step# Step description
1 Contributor presses Login button
2 Contributor enters email and password
3 Contributor presses Add button
4 Contributor inserts price data in form
5 Contributor presses Submit button
6 System stores G


class EZGas
together {
  class User {
    + ID
  class GasStation {
    + Position
class Contributor {
  + Username
  + Password
  + Name
  + Surname
class Fuel {
  + Type
  + Unit
class Price {
  + UnitCost
  + Currency

note "Simple user of the application. \n\
No credentials, can only search and navigate" as NUser

note "Has credentials. Can log in to add and \n\
delete gas stations, end edit prices." as NContributor

note "Different types of fuel.\n\
Field Unit is either L or Kg" as NFuel

EZGas -- "*" User
EZGas -- "*" GasStation

User <|-- Contributor
NUser . User

Contributor "1..*" - "0..*" GasStation : > Create/Delete
NContributor . Contributor
Contributor "1..*" - "0..*" Price : > Create/Edit/Delete

GasStation "0..*" - "1..*" Fuel
(GasStation, Fuel) - Price

Fuel . NFuel
