This workspace comes with some pre-installed stuff for you :
- Python requirements have already been installed
- avn CLI has already been installed
- jq has benn installed
First make sure to have an Aiven account, otherwise you are just a few clicks away of creating one here
Then make sure to get an personal access token, check this video to learn how to get one.
Open a terminal, you'll need to copy-paste or re-type all the bash commands below.
Now you can login :
avn user login --token
Create a certs
folder :
mkdir certs
Set your variables :
If you haven't yet, create a Aiven for Apache Kafka service :
avn service create $KAFKA_INSTANCE_NAME \
-t kafka \
--cloud $CLOUD_REGION \
-c kafka.auto_create_topics_enable=true \
-c kafka_rest=true
Retrieve your host and port from the console and set them : And retrieve the Apache Kafka Service URI with
KAFKA_HOST=$(avn service get $KAFKA_INSTANCE_NAME --json | jq -r '')
KAFKA_PORT=$(avn service get $KAFKA_INSTANCE_NAME --json | jq -r '.service_uri_params.port')
You can wait for the newly created Apache Kafka instance to be ready with :
avn service wait $KAFKA_INSTANCE_NAME
Now get your certificates :
avn service user-creds-download $KAFKA_INSTANCE_NAME \
--username avnadmin
And finally run the demo :
python \
--security-protocol ssl \
--host $KAFKA_HOST \
--port $KAFKA_PORT \
--topic-name pizza-orders \
--nr-messages 0 \
--max-waiting-time 2 \
--subject pizza
You should see a continuous flow of data being pushed to Apache Kafka, to the topic defined by the --topic-name
parameter. You can either use the Aiven console, or tools like kcat to browse the data.