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File metadata and controls

200 lines (146 loc) · 8.45 KB


sidewalkify is a Python library and command line application for drawing sidewalk lines from street centerline data.


Sidewalk data is often recorded as metadata for street lines, such as whether a sidewalk is on the left or the right side, and at what distance. This method of storage is good for questions such as, 'what streets have sidewalks?', but are not as good for knowing exactly where a sidewalk is and how it connects to other sidewalks (e.g., places to cross the street, curb ramps, etc).


clone file locally where osm_sidewalk_staging main file is and

pip install sidewalkify locally

sidewalkify requires the click, networkx and geopandas libraries. geopandas requires GDAL to read and write files, so you also need to install GDAL tools for your system.

This package requires Python 3.7+.


Once installed, sidewalkify is available both as a command line application and a Python library.



sidewalkify <input.geojson> <output.geojson>

Important: the output and arguments will be treated under the same coordinate scheme (projection) as the input data. So if your input geojson is in WGS84, i.e. CRS 4326, latitude-longitude, so will your output. In addition, the precision argument will be in terms of degrees longitude/latitude and should be adjusted accordingly: the default value is 1, which is on the scale of a country in WGS84. Alternatively, you can reproject your input dataset into a reasonable local CRS (in meters) and all default settings should work as expected. For the Seattle area, we use CRS 26910.

Important: the above statement also applies to offset values (sw_right and sw_left in the input data): they are interpreted within the coordinate system of the input data. If your input is in longitude-latitude degrees, you also need to think of the offset as being degrees as well. If your input was in meters, you can (very roughly) multiply it by 1e-5 to get a similar (but distorted) output.


The input file can be any file type readable by geopandas.read_file, which should be anything readable by fiona, i.e. GDAL.

The input file must have two metadata columns: sw_right and sw_left. The values in these columns must be the offset distance of the sidewalk. A negative value indicates the nonexistence of the sidewalk on that side of the street.

For example, you could also use a GeoJSON input file:

sidewalkify <input.geojson> <output.geojson>


--driver=GeoJSON: set the GDAL-compatible driver to use for output.
--precision=1: set the rounding precision for treating streets as
               connected. The default value of 1 is reasonable for a
               streets dataset projected in meters with reasonably accurate
               data and is approximately 10 centimeters. For a dataset in
               WGS84 (latitude-longitude), a precision of 5 or 6 is more

Python Library

sidewalkify can also be used as a Python library so that you can build your own scripts or write libraries on top of sidewalkify. We recommend that you read the Architecture section before using the sidewalkify library API.

The sidewalkify library consists of two modules:


The graph module provides functions for creating a digraph of potential sidewalk edges and processing them into paths. i.e., for a city that has sidewalks on all streets, all of the connected sidewalk paths will be found.

sidewalkify.graph.create_graph(gdf, precision=1):

create_graph is a function that takes a GeoDataFrame (gdf) and creates a networkx DiGraph, where the edges are dictionaries with these keys:

  • forward: A boolean (True, False) for whether the edge travels along the same path as the original geometry, or is the reverse path.
  • geometry: the original geometry (a shapely LineString) of the street centerline, in the direction of the edge (i.e., the geometry gets reversed when forward is False).
  • az1: The azimuth (angle starting at North, going clockwise, in radians) of the first segment of the geometry, i.e. the direction in which the street is initially pointing.
  • az2: The azimuth of the last segment of the geometry, i.e. the direction in which the geometry is finally pointing.
  • offset: The offset, in meters, of the sidewalk. This always indicates a right-hand offset - the sw_right column value is used for forward=True edges, the sw_left column value is used for forward=False edges. A value of 0 (or a negative value, such as -1) means that no sidewalk exists for this geometry, and none will be drawn.
  • id: This is copied from the original dataset.

Vertices of the graph are coordinates where streets meet (like an intersection) or terminate (a dead end). The decision to group street endpoints at a particular vertex is determined by the precision parameter: coordinates will be rounded to the precision decimal place, then grouped by that rounded coordinate. So, e.g., these two endpoint coordinates will share the vertex at (-122.3, -47.8) when precision is 1:

(-122.2947728, -47.764472)
(-122.3477481, -47.758871)

Example: import geopandas as gpd import sidewalkify as sdw

gdf = gpd.read_file('./test.geojson')

G = sdw.graph.create_graph(gdf)

The resulting digraph (G) can be accessed with the standard methods available to a networkx DiGraph. For example, to find the edge from


find_paths(G) will create a list of paths following the edges created by create_graph.

sidewalkify.graph.graph_workflow(gdf, precision=1):

graph_workflow(gdf, precision=1) carries out all of the steps above, in order, creating a single list of paths. The precision argument is passed to create_graph.


The draw module creates the actual sidewalk lines once the sidewalk paths have been found using the graph module.

sidewalkify.draw.draw_sidewalks(paths, crs=4326)

The draw_sidewalks function draws (relatively) clean, connect sidewalk lines. It requires input in the form output by sidewalkify.graph.graph_workflow.

By default, the new sidewalk lines are assumed to be in the 4326 CRS (WGS84, or lat-lon). You can override this by setting a new CRS, for example:

gdf2 = sdw.draw.draw_sidewalks(paths, crs=26910)

This would ensure that the files created are in the right projection. In this case, NAD83 for Washington, United States (in meters).


sidewalkify combines two methods for drawing sidewalks.

Parallel offsets

sidewalkify uses standard parallel offset algorithms (the parallel_offset method in shapely) for drawing an initial approximation of sidewalk locations. The offsets must be pre-coded into the input data as sw_right or sw_left fields, in meters.

Graph-based cleanup

Initially, the parallel offset lines are not completely accurate: they extend as far as the street does, which can result in sidewalks that criss-cross and flow over into the street (overshoots), or don't connect when they should (undershoots).

To clean up the overshoots and undershoots, sidewalkify trims the extra bits (dangles) of overshoots and connects undershoots by either drawing connecting lines or snapping endpoints together. But without knowing the way in which the sidewalks are supposed to be connected (e.g. sidewalk A leads into sidewalk B), this can result in several errors. For example, sidewalks that extend around and under an overpass can be self-intersecting and would normally be detected as an overshoot and erroneously broken. Or, very short segments of sidewalk can result in the wrong sidewalks being connected simply due to spatial proximity.

To select the right sidewalks to connect, sidewalkify constructs a street graph (using a networks digraph), where each edge represents part of a potential sidewalk path. Consecutive edges of this graph are the sidewalks that should be considered for merging (overshoots and undershoots), with all others ignored.

For a standard city block with good coverage, sidewalkify will find a cyclic path, eventually constructing a closed rectangle. For a similar block that contains a dead end, sidewalkify will still find a cyclic path, but the resulting sidewalk will (by default) be broken at the end of the dead end.


Dual-licensed MIT and Apache 2.0. You can treat this project as being licensed under one or the other, depending on your preference.