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118 lines (107 loc) · 8.34 KB

File metadata and controls

118 lines (107 loc) · 8.34 KB


1.4.7 (released 9. 5. 2015)

  • Fixed crash when canceling through RequestHandle from UI Thread (NetworkOnMainThreadException)
  • Fixed URL encoding feature, that was breaking whole URL, not just path and query parts
  • FileAsyncHttpResponseHandler now checks that target file path is available or can be created
  • DataAsyncHttpResponseHandler was sending cancel notification instead of progress notification, fixed
  • Added support for HTTP PATCH requests
  • Fixed Assert exception when mkdirs in FileAsyncHttpResponseHandler tries to create dirs that already exists
  • Provided option to easily override ClientConnectionManager provision in AsyncHttpClient
  • Changed onProgress from (int,int) to (long,long) for dealing with large transfers
  • Renamed typo of preemtive to preemptive (preemptive basic auth)
  • Added option to put File array in RequestParams
  • RequestParams now support forcing Content-Type into multipart/form-data even if there are no files/streams to be multiparted
  • Gradle added support for installing to local maven repository, through gradle installArchives task
  • Added support for Json RFC5179 in JsonHttpResponseHandler

1.4.6 (released 7. 9. 2014)

Complete list of commits included is here
List of closed issues is here

  • Fixed missing boundary when passing content-type as call param along with HttpEntity
  • Added warnings for not overriden calls in JsonHttpResponseHandler (and others)
  • RequestParams now implement Serializable, to support storing them and passing them along
  • Added option to add File part with custom file name (overriding the real file name)
  • Fixed not-escaped contents in JsonStreamEntity
  • Separated connect and response timeout settings
  • Allowed to pass Looper into *HttpResponseHandler classes
  • Fixed reporting progress on GZIP compressed down-streams
  • Added more samples (eg.,,
  • Added option to pre- and post- process data in via subclass (see
  • Fixed ConcurrentModificationException on AsyncHttpClient.cancelRequests
  • Fixed handling BOM in decoding response in TextHttpResponseHandler and JsonHttpResponseHandler

1.4.5 (released 22. 6. 2014)

Complete list of commits included is here
List of closed issues is here

  • Support for circular and relative redirects
  • Added support for SAX parsing, see SaxAsyncHttpResponseHandler
  • Fixed Threading issue when used in Service or non-UI Thread context
  • Fixed GZIPInputStream issue when running in StrictMode
  • Removed unnecessary (ambiguous) callback methods (were deprecated in 1.4.4)
  • Added JsonStreamerEntity to allow up streaming JSON data
  • Added possibility to modify blacklisted/whitelisted exceptions (see RetryHandler)
  • Using newCachedThreadPool() as default ExecutorService in library, with option to change it via main interface
  • Added ResponseHandlerInterface to support completely custom implementations of response handlers
  • Added onProgress(int,int) callback, which is used for upstream progress logging (eg. Progressbar dialogs)
  • Fixed "division by zero" in default response handler
  • Added DataAsyncHttpResponseHandler, which has extra callback method which receives partially received data
  • Fixed problem with uploading more than 2 files (changes in SimpleMultipartEntity)
  • Fixed problem where on GarbageCollectors activity there was no callback received
  • Added warning for cases, where headers overwrite each other (between common headers and per-request headers)
  • Safely closing IO streams (both upstream and downstream)
  • Fixed PersistentCookieStore issue, where non-persistent cookies were stored and added option to delete stored cookie
  • Fixed networkOnMainThreadException when canceling requests (AsyncHttpClient#cancel(boolean))
  • Removed default User-Agent definition from library
  • Fixed handling null URLs in default interface calls
  • Allowed to subclass AsyncHttpClient and simply provide custom AsyncHttpRequest object (AsyncHttpClient#newAsyncHttpRequest)
  • Changed project structure to be default Intellij IDEA structure (eg. library/src/main/java)
  • Catching UnsupportedEncodingException default Async and Text response handlers
  • Added strict Lint checking for both Library and Sample application
  • Added example implementations in Sample application
    • Requests threading (ThreadPool usage, 6 seconds delay on response)
    • Synchronous request (from Activity and IntentService)
    • SAX Parsing the response
    • Retry request sample
    • Handling 302 redirects
    • RangeResponse (working with partially received data)
    • Basic usage of GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
    • JSON response parsing
    • GZIP compressed communication
    • Binary handler (receives byte[] without parsing/converting)
    • File response handler (saving response directly into given File)
    • Self-signed CA sample (how to pin SSL certificate or add custom trust-chain for requests)
    • Persistent cookies store (persisting cookies between requests)
    • Post multi-part encoded Files (SimpleMultipartEntity)
    • Jackson JSON integration

1.4.4 (released 28. 10. 2013)

Complete list of commits included is here
List of closed issues is here

  • Added FileAsyncHttpResponseHandler for direct saving response into File instead of device memory
  • JsonHttpResponseHandler now parsing JSON in separate thread
  • Interface method to allow/deny handling of http redirects
  • Added method to delete previously set header (
  • Not creating new Thread if call initiated outside of UI Thread (broken, fixed in 1.4.5)
  • Support for changing response Charset (default still UTF-8)
  • Allow setting maximum retries count (
  • SimpleMultipartEntity now allows repeated usage (HttpEntity.isRepeatable())
  • Added custom SSLSocketFactory to allow certificate pinning and accepting self-signed or untrusted SSL certificates
  • Callbacks to return HTTP status code and response Headers
  • Added support for unsetting Basic Auth params
  • Added support for non-standard HTTP and HTTPS ports (new constructors of AsyncHttpClient)
  • Allowed to change dynamically allowed content-types for BinaryHttpResponseHandler per-response-handler (was static previously)
  • Added support for setting proxy, optionally with authentication
    • AsyncHttpClient#setProxy(String hostname, int port, String username, String password)
  • Support for passing Maps, Sets and Lists via RequestParams
  • Properly chaining callback methods (onSuccess, onFailure, ...) in descendant order by number of function params
  • Fixed incorrect handling of URLs with spaces after redirect
    • now sanitizes spaces within URL both on-request and on-redirect
  • Added RequestHandle which can be used to cancel and/or check request status
    • Is returned for each call (.post(...), .get(...), .head(...), .put(...), etc..)
  • Added BaseJsonHttpResponseHandler to simplify integration with Jackson JSON, Gson and other JSON parsing libraries
  • Added Sample application to demonstrate functions and usage
  • Enforcing INTERNET permission
  • Support for Gradle buildscript
  • Support for Travis CI (Continuous Integration) testing
  • Dropped support for Eclipse ADT usage (obsolete)
  • Added HTTP HEAD method support
  • Releasing both AAR and JAR (+javadoc and sources) into Maven Central repository
  • Added tons of mising Javadoc for both classes and methods